Onwards and upwards!

  • Why I’ve been quiet….

    Just to say thank you to those who have placed an order of late. After being a bit quiet because of caring for my son for months, I have succumbed...
  • Time Warp

    It’s been a crazy couple of months again! I can’t believe we’re in July- how’d that happen?? It’s been nothing but birthdays including my eldest’s ...
  • New beginnings

    Well, my journey into the new has well and truly begun. I’m am officially trained as a Mindfulness teacher with a posh certificate now received! I’...
  • Small steps, big gains

    Mental Health Matters. Living with someone with mental health issues is no easy feat. It is heartbreaking to watch someone you love sink into a hol...
  • Keep moving forward!

    So, with a relatively normal service underway, I’m getting life back on track following the slightly stressful time over the last few months with t...
  • Normalish service resumed!

    Good news! Both my father in law and big bro are back home being cared for, with urgent care teams coming in to give them IVs and what not. I presu...
  • A Weary Witchy…

    Ooof, I am a weary witchy today. For those who follow me on either IG or FB, you know there has been some turmoil with a couple of family members....
  • A Chrimble hug to you all

    Wow! What a year! Tumultuous to say the least! Happy times, stressful times and sad times, but we got through it- just 🤣! I want to extend to all...
  • Chrimble Deliveries

    I can’t believe we’re nearly at the middle of December, with my Dad in law now home- he isn’t doing too brill, I feel he’s been discharged too soon...
  • Eeek it’s nearly Chrimble

    Crumbs! November has gone quick! It’s been a busy month for me and my tribe (if you follow my pages on social media you’ll already know all about ...
  • Autumnal blessings!

    It’s November(rrrrrr)! The weather here in Wales has been blustery and rainy..although I don’t mind a bit of rain it has been rarher too soggy for ...
  • Samhain Blessings!

    What is done, is done. What will be, will be. We roll with the punches, make the best of what we can, take one day at a time. As long as you rememb...