Normalish service resumed!
Good news! Both my father in law and big bro are back home being cared for, with urgent care teams coming in to give them IVs and what not. I presume the bed situation in hospitals isn’t great, hence why they’ve been discharged but are well enough to receive treatment at home. After a bit of a frantic January (as well as November, December) with two family members in hospital and being torn between the two, it was a bit of an emotional time all told! My big bro had three MET calls (for resus) and my dear old papaluigi had to go back under the knife and have the plate removed (which was put in twice in November- in, then got sepsis, op’d on again because the graft failed and something yucky growing on the plate and sent home with a yucky infection brewing) from his skull due to mass infection.
But with them both home re-cooping means I can put a little bit more of me back into the biz! I’m still checking in on them, but it certainly beats the two hour drive up to Cardiff most days to visit! So, welcome back me! Thanks to everyone who had offered support, love and healing during this time, with thanks also for your patience when receiving your goodies!
Xx The Purple Witch 🧙♀️ likes your products xx