Samhain Blessing

     Greetings this Samhain, marking the end of the year,

As we remember the departed souls we hold dear.

The end of one cycle, the beginning of the next,

May all your days forward, be abundantly blessed!

Samhain (Sow-een) is an ancient tradition symbolising the final harvest, where animals who could not be wintered were slaughtered and a feast set for the final spoils before the hardship of Winter. Typically celebrated sunset to sunset (31st October - 1st November).


Signifies the coming of Winter and the darker months and the closing of the life circle - death. Ancient Pagan traditions did not fear death but celebrated it s a means for new life to be born. It is a time of year, whether you have pagan belief; for example Wicca, or just plain ‘ol witches feel the shift. You don’t need to have a religious connotation to celebrate Samhain, use the energies abound to set intentions, honour the lost, work on yourself.

Oil Blends


All essential oils must be diluted before using on yourself, you can mix the recipes below in 10ml of a carrier oil, if you don’t have a specific carrier then olive oil or sunflower oil works just as well. These can be used for anointing candles, diffusing in an oil burner, added to your bath.


Protection Oils 

3 drops frankincense

3 drops myrrh

1 drop rosemary




2 drops bay

1 drop cinnamon

2 drops rosemary


Psychic Shield Oils


2 drops frankincense

2 drops myrrh

3 drops bay




3 drops patchouli

1 drop cinnamon

1 drop frankincense


Raising Vibrations Oil


2 drops Rose

3 drops Lemon

1 drop Patchouli




2 drops Bay

2 drops Rosemary

1 drop Sandalwood

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