Have a Merry & Bright Yuletide!
Hello Lovelies!
I can’t believe it’s that time of year again?! Mariah Carey, Noddy Holder and Michael Buble have crawled out of hibernation to spread a little Yuletide cheer, the house is lit up, the tree is in place and the weather has definitely decided it’s Winter time!
I hope everyone was ok during our recent storm? We had no electric, heating or water here for two days, the phone signal drops at the moment all the time and we are still yet to get Broadband back.
It’s been a tad busy - my big bro is in hospital in Devon so I’ve had to try and manage this, I’ve been down to see him etc etc as he’s now on the path of his final journey. Things have been fraught down there, with the unfortunate family dynamics down there being skewed. Grief and stress does funny things to people, so by me just remaining patient and calm, hopefully will mean my big bro can have all the love and support he needs.
So, if I don’t get around to getting your order done asap, its because I’m backwardsing and forwarding between between my brothers care and sorting my little tribe out. Obviously there may also be a delay because of delivery and postage services being busier than usual because of the time of year. But your order will sent- I promise 😊.
Anyway, I hope you all have the most wonderful festive period, filled with love, joy and fond remembrance of those who have passed through the veil who can’t be with us.
So from my little tribe to yours: Have a very Merry Yuletide! ☃️🎄
Love & light
UPDATE: Unfortunately my dear big brother slipped away peacefully into the night on Monday 16th December. He was surrounded by those who loved him the most, so please could you be patient with me. I have already contacted those who have ordered and refunded those who understandably wanted items as pressies, as I am taking some time to grieve. I can only apologise for any inconvenience. Love & light. Xx
Thank you as ever for your patience, kindness and understanding.
Love & light
Spirit Esoterica
(Don’t forget you can find my page on Insta: @spiritesotericastore as well as the FB page: Spirit Esoterica - it’d be great if you could like and follow!xx)


Wondering about postage costs…?
If you’ve filled your basket with goodies and then gone to check out and the postage seems a bit high….don’t fear! Due to selling such a huge and varied array of items, of massively different weights and size, I have had to work out an average as the current system makes it reeeealllllly hard to work out exact cost. However, once I get the shipping costs and I pop your items out, I refund the difference (minus any packing bits I’ve had to purchase rather than recycle). So, if you’re staring at a shipping cost of £6.99….it may not be as much as that, so you’ll see a wee refund once sent! Don’t forget orders over £50 have free postage! Blessings and thanks for your orders! Xx💜