Over the centuries man has used the power of crystals as talismans, jewellery, shields and honouring their dead. Today there has been an insurgent growth in use of gems and crystals from crystal healing, magickal uses and not forgetting in our computers, phones and home equipment.
Use of crystals include colour therapy, chakra healing, mediative tools, spell and ritual work, auric healing, scrying.....I think it is safe to say that when walking the path and crafting there is something fascinating about crystal energy, making them one of the most popular items we own. These can be used to decorate your altar or sacred space, use in the home to bring balance - these wonderful little bits of stone can often bring so much joy.
I have included a basic breakdown of their tended uses. These are genuine gemstones and crystals sourced for their authenticity, unlike some that are offered on other shopping channels!
These crystal wands may be used for Magick, healing and meditation. The selenite blades are awesome for sweeping your Aura of negativity and unwanted energies. A great fix when you come in from work to rid yourself of today’s unwanted energies!
Selenite- Made from selenite formed to a pointed wand, this crystal operates at a high frequency. The name selenite is derived from the Greek name for the Moon goddess Selene because of it’s colour and property (like moonlight) and is associated with the birth sign Taurus. These highly vibrational crystals assist in delivering mind clarity by removing negative energy from the aura (physical and etheric body). Beneficial for relieving anxiety or stress when held next to the heart during meditation. As a wand this crystal is very reflective of light and often referred to as a light wand. Wands can channel energy directly to where is needed and make great healing tools. Could be used for ritual or spell work also. Selenite does not ordinarily require cleansing, but perhaps refreshed with use of the sun or by a full moon, smudging may also prove useful as I believe most crystals of this nature require a bit of a boost now and then. Of course do not submerge this crystal in water as it will slowly dissolve!
Black Obsidian pointed wands make a great altar item, considered to have protective properties against negative or maleficent energies. It’s pointed end is directional for energies. A grounding and cleansing crystal for the root/base chakra. This wand may be used for casting circles or during magickal workings.Used for scrying when formed into discs. The massage wand is rounded for use in foot, back, shoulder and hand massage, or could be used as a casting wand. Reveals hidden or lost objects. When used as a meditation tool is said to reveal hidden issues by encouraging inner work and release of negative emotions that no longer serve. A grounding stone used to rebalancing and cleanse. When used in magickal workings is said to protect from negative energies and influence. Can be used in reversal hex’s or breaking negative spells set by others. Obsidian’s shiny surface is used as a mirror scrying tool.
Amethyst: Associated with - Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th), Etheric (8th–14th) Chakras.
Element - Wind
Birthstone - February
Zodiac Signs - Pisces, Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius
Keywords: Trust, Intuition, Spirituality, Protection, Abundance, Tranquilising
A super "master" healer, amethyst purifies the mind and assists removing negative thoughts. When used in meditation can reduce stress (especially worked related) and anxiety. It has been used for opening and improving psychic ability (clairvoyance), spiritual expansion and increased potential. Many use it for relief of insomnia when placed under a pillow. Brings spiritual harmony to mind, body and soul. A protective stone against negative energies, it can ward from psychic attack and especially useful if empathic as it assists with grounding energy when in your vicinity. As it transmutes energies from negative to positive it can also cleanse your other crystals.
Red Jasper - Associated with the Base/Root (1st) Chakra.
Keywords: Protection, Endurance, Passion, Stabilising, Dream Recall
Red jasper is known to be sacred to the Welsh goddess Cerridwen, attributed to Inspiration and knowledge, rules gifts of prophecy and magic, and powers death and rebirth. She is the guardian of spiritual transformation. Red Jasper may be used to honor Isis, the Egyptian Goddess of Life. She is widely respected as a Goddess of the divine feminine, and is known for her steadfastness in taking care of her family and using her power to protect them. Jasper honours Bona Dea, the Roman Earth Goddess of Fertility and the Greek Goddess of Women. She protects women through all of their changes, and is a skilled healer, particularly with herbs.
It is a powerful stone of protection, for both the physical and spiritual realm. Red Jasper was known as a stone of vibrancy and endurance, a talisman of warriors and a promoter of justice, protection and life. A stone of passion, useful for restoring and rejuvenating the libido, and in manifesting creative ideas. It provides vivid dream recall, and is a powerful stone for those who work with Earth energies to make a deep connection with Earth spirits and guardians of leys and sacred sites. Its cleansing effect eliminates negativity, returning it to its source, and stabilising the aura. It is an ideal worry or rubbing stone for soothing the nerves and restoring balance.
Selenite wands approximately 16cm long x 2cm diameter.
Small Selenite Blades approximately 10cm long
Large Selenite Blades approximately 30cm long
Chunky Amethyst Wand approximately 9-10cm long and around 1.8cm at widest point
6 Facet Banded Amethyst Wand approximately 9-10cm long and around 2.3cm width.