Cats are undoubtedly creatures of the goddess. Like Artemis. Bast and even earlier the Amazons, they are wild, free and virtually untamed. Cats; especially black ones, are heavily associated with witchcraft, quite often being familiars and companions - although religious history and witch trials gave them a bad name, whigh unfortunately still carries today. Cats are supposed to be able to see through the veil into other realms and is the only creature able to enter or leave a sacred circle without breaking it. They are creatures of the night, able to see into the darkness of the world without fear, tied with magickal attributes of luxury, freedom, sensuality, protection.
I would love a cat, but due to DH being allergic I have to settle with effigies on my altar! These little jasper cats have hand carved faces, so each will vary slightly depending on who created it! Super cute and ideal for honouring goddess, female deities (especially those associated with cats!), plus teamed with the attributes of zebra jasper are a useful aid in crystal Magick and healing.
Zebra Jasper: Chakra Association: Root (1st)
Zebra Jasper’s energy is very motivating, mood lifting and energetic. It carries within it a reminder to the bearer that it is impossible to lose all of one’s energy and love by giving it away. It is said to be good for grounding during meditation and when doing spiritual work with the higher realms, it also helps to stimulate the transition from the material plane to the astral plane during meditation.
It’s a stone that will support you in all levels of creative pursuits, encouraging you to stay creative in thoughts, words, and actions. Due to the colouration it harmonises light and dark, Yin & Yang; making it a good stone for harmonising both your light and dark (shadow) self. It is a stone of safety, not only making you feel safe, but it will ward off all unwanted negative energies, protect your aura and ensure that you are safe from harmful psychic attacks - making it a fab stone for magickal pursuits!
Rose Quartz: Associated with Heart (4th) Chakra
Element - Water,
Birthstone Month - January
Zodiac Sign - Taurus.
Keywords: Calming, Peaceful, Love, Emotion, Release
Symbol of love (relative to Roman belief systems) as in myth is the blood of Adonis and Aphrodite, this crystal may assist in opening the heart chakra. Assists in release of emotional stress ( best to use with grounding stones as reaction can be quite powerful). Uncovers issues towards negative behaviours towards your own self image, uncovers your inner beauty. Inspires feelings of love or friendships, which is why this tends to be used as a relationship stone. Try meditations with this crystal to open your heart or heal from a heartache, whether it be through a break-up or parting of a loved one.
Goddesses associated with cats:
Bast/ Bastet: is probably the most well-known of all ancient cat goddesses. She hails from ancient Egypt and was depicted as a black cat or as a woman with the head of a cat. Her cult center was at the ancient city of Bubastis. While Bast presided over light-hearted revelry and motherhood in Lower Egypt, her counterpart was Sekhmet, a fierce cat goddess from Upper Egypt. Bast was once a warrior goddess, too. In later years, her demeanor softened and Sekhmet came to be the feared lioness among the two cat goddesses. A goddess of home, domesticity, healing, women’s secrets, cats, fertility, and childbirth. She protected the home from evil spirits and disease, especially diseases associated with women and children.
Freya (Freja): The Nordic Goddess and a principal deity of the Norse pantheon. Lovely and enchanting, Freya was a goddess of blessings, love, lust, Magick and fertility. A member of the Vanir tribe of deities, Freya shared her people’s penchant for the magical arts of divination. It was Freya who introduced the gods to seidr, a form of magic that allowed practitioners to know and change the future. Freya rode a glittering chariot that was pulled by two black (or grey) domestic cats.
Artemis (Diana - Roman): The Greek goddesses Artemis (Diana) and Athena both have connections to cats. The ancient Greeks believed that the goddess Artemis sometimes appeared in cat form herself. This is said to have arisen from the Grecian escape to Egypt, whereby they likened her to Bast. Artemis was immortal and very powerful, her powers included perfect aim with the bow and arrow (Goddess of the Hunt), the ability to turn herself and others into animals, healing, disease, and control of nature.
They measure approximately 50mm (5cm) high and weigh between 50-60g. Each one varies, they may have slightly different faces, plus each crystal marking is different. The ones pictured are a representative example of what you will receive.