Smudging is a long standing tradition amongst many cultures, whether it be to raise the ancestors, offer protection, cleanse the space of energies or as offering to deities, all depending on the type of smudge used. It is quite common for people today to “borrow” other native cultures smudge ideas, such as the use of White Sage taken from the Native American culture. It is with this evolvement we should also give thanks to these cultures as it forms part of their heritage and belief systems.
These smudge bowls have an associated pagan design, to suit whichever path you follow. Whether a witch or Wiccan, class yourself as both or are in the broom closet! Just believe in energies and use it to set your space for meditation or use it to smudge your home or crystals to remove unwanted energy. Each one measure about 13cm in diameter and made from ceramic. Each one has a central support for your smudge stick or bulb in which you can dab the embers. Ceramic or cheaper terracotta ones to choose from!
Goddess: White ceramic featuring the iconic form of the Goddess, holding the full moon aloft, set in front of a Celtic crescent moon and features pentacles as a running feature.
Pentacle: Black ceramic featuring the five sided star, wrapped in a circle (making a pentacle), each of the elements is pinpointed next to each point. With scrolling and Celtic detailing.
Tree of Life: Cream coloured ceramic featuring a green tree, with foliate detailing.
Grey Terracotta Moon: A small smudge dish with a central portion to hold the smudge stick, featuring a painted crescent moon and stars design which shows beautifully against the grey bowl.
Black Terracotta Triple Moon: A small smudge dish with a central portion to hold the smudge stick, featuring a white painted triple moon design.
Black Terracotta Pentagram: A small smudge dish with a central portion to hold the smudge stick, featuring a white painted pentagram.
All come ready boxed, the terracotta ones measure around H10cm x W13cm x D13cm, with the ceramic ones measuring slightly larger at H:13cm W:15cm D:15cm.