Hmmmm whiffy and nice! These simmering granules have been designed to sit in an oil burner dish to enliven your space with wonderful niffs! Instead of having to worry about topping up your oils with a smidge of water, these granules are primed with fragrance - just pop a teaspoon (or two - depending on the size of your burner) of the granules in your burner, light the candle underneath and away we pong! Chase away cigarette odour by placing a few granules in ashtrays; freshen bathrooms and closets with a little bowl of granules, use them like potpourri. Wherever you'd like your favourite fragrance, just simmer some granules. Plenty of oil burners to choose from also available on the website 😊.
These fragrances have not only been chosen for their magickal and alternative benefits, but for their scent. Buy a couple and mix the granules to create your own scents to suit your needs.
Sandalwood - Effective for removing nasty niffs! A nostalgic fragrance which relaxes brainwaves and reduces stress, especially useful in meditation. The scent aids protection during spell casting and increases spiritual vibrations during full moon rituals when mixed with frankincense or mix with lavender to conjure spirits.
Patchouli - A strongly scented perfume and powerful earthly tone, this has a variety of uses. Often used in spells concerning money and for Magick of a romantic nature. Great for grounding oneself when doing spiritual work, use for protection, banishing and purification and working with earth element.
Frankincense - Use to clear or cleanse a space, some use for opening the third eye during meditation. It is also great for magickal workings regarding money. This is a great all purpose scent.
Myrrh - is often used in banishing rituals/ magick, hex/ curse breaking and for protection from magickal or psychic attack. Myrhh was used to celebrate the goddess Isis, so this resin would be great to burn during a ritual celebration. Myrhh can be a great de-stressor which may help your emotions and nerves.
Dragons Blood - Dragon's blood is thought to add potency to spell work and was used in medieval ritual magick and alchemy. Uses include money, love and protection spells and as an means to cleanse a space of negative entities or influence, perhaps add some to your oil burner whilst conducting this kind of Magick.
Lavender - A well known calming scent to help you unwind. Ideal for the bedroom when you want to aid restful sleep, pop in the oil burner and light before you go to bed, to fill your room with relaxing vibes and energy - just remember to blow out the candle before you go to sleep!
Christmas Star - So I won’t go into the Christmas thing, but these granules will scent your home with a warming, homely scent throughout the Yule period. Think of family, joy, hope.
These granules are useful if you have smaller human beans or animals (especially the feline variety) in the home to prevent spills. Of course the granules do get very hot, but as they don’t require water prevents hot water splashing that may burn smaller peeps and paws. As with all candles and oil burners, please ensure they are out of reach of liluns’ and pets 😊. A salt based product, that when the scent is gone dispose and replace with new. The colours shown are an example as it depends on which lovely person has made them and their preference that day! Handmade here in the UK. Bags weigh approximately 200g, so great value for money!