A couple of these bangles posses neat little pagan symbols and are gender neutral, so make a great gift for those of a pagan persuasion.
The Pentacle: Is probably one of the most recognisable but most often socially and culturally confused of the symbols. The five pointed star represents all four elements and spirit/universe/ aether. The circle that surrounds the pentagram (making it a pentacle) is the continuing link that binds all things.
The Triple Moon: The triple moon is often indicative of the triple goddess, being a symbol of Maiden Mother, Crone (waxing, full and waning moon) full of feminine energy and assists with psychic development. Use this as part of your personal decoration to invite feminine energy in and celebrate the Moon. Commonly associated Goddesses include Luna, Selene and Diana, many having the attributes of a triple goddess. This bangle design features the moon in waxing, full and waning aspects. The moon symbolises the phases in ones life, the turning of the wheel and is used to direct specific energies depending on the phase it is in.
Magnetic Bangle: Discover the power of magnetic healing today! Many people have stated the incredible healing effects from wearing these bracelets. Magnetic therapy can help to improve circulation and blood flow, magnets are known to help ease pain, can increase oxygen pick up and help provide more energy. This bracelet consists of copper with small magnets attached at both ends and measures 1 cm thickness. Please note these come in a variety of designs and one will be chosen at random when ordered - please see the piccies for designs 🥰.
The triple pentacle bangle is made from copper and the triple moon bangle is made from brass. Each can be adjusted slightly to fit ones wrist. Care should be taken when adjusting the bangles as not to over stretch or bend, which may cause damage or indeed breakage. Both brass and copper will cause some discolouration to the skin as it oxidises and mixes with chemicals and sweat from the skin. This is normal and occurs with any copper or brass jewellery.
Copper Pentacle: Approximate Width across 8 cm
Brass Triple Moon: Approximate Width across 7.4 cm
Magnetic Bangle: Approximate width across