Oooooh super cute! These little seeds look like lady birds! Used in Eastern traditions these Peonia (or Chirmi seeds) are considered very lucky and have been used from ancient ages in tantric rituals/practices to attain protection, wisdom, wealth and attracting supernatural powers. These are seeds found in the dense forests of Aravali Mountains in India. They grow on trees which are many thousand years old, it takes them a few hundred years to grow/mature is why they are very rare & not easy to find. Keep them close by or in any place/area of concern. They bring luck and ward off evil spirits, bad energies, black Magic, danger & protects the possessor from physical harm by taking the abuse upon themselves. These red and black seeds are considered very powerful, representing goddess Mahalakshmi and is used for attracting wealth, prosperity & good luck. Energies residing in these seeds will start to work on warding off poverty/miseries from one life simply by just possessing them. These can be carried with you at all times, placed in a locker or safe where money is stored, office, shop counter etc. They also symbolise Goddess Lakshmi and it is said that the wearer is blessed with wealth and prosperity. They are believed to be hundreds of years old. It is said that the bead selects its owner and will never stay with an unlucky person.
They can be turned into rosary/ mala beads by holding with tweezers drilling a small hole with a fine point Dremel (or sturdy needle…just watch your fingers!) and threaded onto your colour of choice: black for protection and warding, red for binding, green for prosperity, Orange for courage etc.
Magick: Luck, Protection, Wisdom, Supernatural Power, Warding, Wealth, Success
Deities: Lakshmi, Mahalakshmi
Come in a baggie weighing approximately 25g