Use of crystals include colour therapy, chakra healing, mediative tools, spell and ritual work, auric healing, scrying.....I think it is safe to say that when walking the path and crafting there is something fascinating about crystal energy, making them one of the most popular items we own. These can be used to decorate your home, altar or sacred space, use in the home to bring balance, use in chakra healing and meditation - these wonderful little bits of stone can often bring so much joy.
Crystal points have the ability to direct energies or focus them - think about the shape of the pyramids! They are great for using the centre a magic circle to draw energy inwards toward your spell or magical workings.
Labradorite - Associated with the Throat (5th) Chakra (linking also with the Third Eye 6th Chakra.
Element of Water
Signs: Scorpio, Leo, Sagittarius
Keywords: Openness, Flexibility, Protection, Transformation, Opening, Spiritual exploration, Magick, Shielding, Clairvoyance, Spirits
Stone of the New Moon, great for setting intentions for new beginnings. Its iridescence acts as a shield and strengthens our own to protect a persons aura, especially if near emotional or psychic "vampires" which can drain energy reserves, but also balances this conflicting energy over time. Allows focus on personal issues without interference from external influence. Embracement of new ideas and opportunity, whilst releasing fears or insecurities of an overactive mind. Shifting of awareness outside our normal range to increase psychic awareness for clairvoyance, telepathy, communication with guides, psychic reading. Lore of the Inuit peoples claim Labradorite fell from the frozen fire of the Aurora Borealis, an ordinary stone that transforms to the extraordinary, shimmering in a mystical light that separates the waking world from unseen realms. It is, in every sense, a Stone of Magic, a crystal of shamans, diviners, healers, and all who travel and embrace the universe seeking knowledge and guidance. It creates a shielding force throughout the aura and strengthening natural energies from within. It protects against the negativity and misfortunes of this world, and provides safe exploration into alternate levels of consciousness. Wearing or carrying Labradorite allows one's innate magical powers to surface. It enhances the mental and intuitive abilities of clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy and coincidence control, and assists in communication with higher guides and spirits in accessing Akashic records, psychic readings and past-life recall. It provides an ease in moving between the worlds, and permits a safe and grounded return to the present. Used to align the throat chakra, labradorite stimulates stronger psychic communication abilities and within the third eye chakra, works to enhance both telepathic and prophetic gifts.
Lapis Lazuli: Associated with Throat (5th) and Third Eye (6th) Chakra
A stone that seems to turn up when you need it! Lapis Lazuli is one of the most sought after stones in use since man's history began, with the deep celestial blue remaining the symbol of royalty and honor, gods and power, spirit and vision. It is a universal symbol of wisdom and truth. Lapis is a powerful crystal for activating the higher mind and enhancing intellectual ability, stimulating the desire for knowledge, truth and understanding and aids the process of learning (it is excellent for enhancing memory). A crystal of truth in all aspects, revealing inner truth, and promotes self-awareness and the acceptance of that knowledge. It provides for the relief of things that may have been suppressed and allows for them to surface, helping to diminish dis-ease or repressed anger, and allows for self-expression without holding back or compromising. Lapis is one of the oldest spiritual stones known to man, used by healers, priests and royalty, for power, wisdom and to stimulate psychic abilities and inner vision. As a protection stone, Lapis Lazuli recognises psychic attack and blocks it, returning the energy back to its source. It honours Athena, the Greek Goddess of War and Wisdom. She is always depicted in armor and is known as a skilled fighter and strategist, and for her superb logic and intellect. Hera the Greek Goddess of Marriage, and the Queen of all Gods and Goddesses on Mt Olympus. She is a source of inspiration for wives and lovers, and for standing up for what is right. Use it for Inanna, the Sumerian Goddess of the Underworld. She journeys into the underworld carrying her Lapis Lazuli rods and measures time and the length of a person's life as well as Nuit the Egyptian Goddess of Heaven and Sky. She swallows the sun each evening, and gives birth to it again each morning. She is the protector and mother of life on Earth. Venus is also associated with this stone (also called Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty). She was one of twelve Olympians who governed all aspects of human life, and is known for her beauty and passion. Can be used to honour the Celtic River Goddess, Danu.
As these are made from natural crystal, the pattern and luminescence on the crystals will obviously vary. They stand approximately H9.5cm x W4cm x D4cm including base.