This little collection contains crystal and gemstone one offs - as in they aren’t your generic tumbles, points or pebbles. Each one is as naturally cut as can be, ranging in both sizes and weights. As one offs, there are only one of each available. Sourced for their ethical and morally responsible mining, being hand excavated and those who conduct the mining being supported by the company. My suppliers hold a very high standard of ethical and moral code, having visited the mines themselves to view how the workers are treated and fund charities that support these communities. The crystals have been hand chosen for quality and size. So grab yourself a bit of crystal goodness, both for raising your vibrations and knowing that those who work to get these wonderful pieces are supported and fairly treated.
Use of crystals include colour therapy, chakra healing, mediative tools, spell and ritual work, auric healing, scrying.....I think it is safe to say that when walking the path and crafting there is something fascinating about crystal energy, making them one of the most popular items we own. These can be used to decorate your home, altar or sacred space, use in the home to bring balance, use in chakra healing and meditation - these wonderful little bits of stone can often bring so much joy.
Agate - Associated with Third Eye (6th) and Crown (7th) Chakra
Zodiac: Virgo and Gemini
Birthstone: September
Element: Earth
Agate is a wonderful gemstone for balancing the mind, body, and spirit as well as helping you to slow down and centre yourself. It transforms negativity into positivity. Agate enhances mental function, improves concentration, enhances perception and analytical abilities. It is a soothing and calming gemstone that heals inner anger, anxiety and helps in the strengthening of relationships. Agate instills security and safety. Moss agate can be used for success and prosperity, be it financial or personal.
Amethyst: Associated with - Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th), Etheric (8th–14th) Chakras.
Element - Wind
Birthstone - February
Zodiac Signs - Pisces, Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius
Keywords: Trust, Intuition, Spirituality, Protection, Abundance, Tranquilising
A super "master" healer, amethyst purifies the mind and assists removing negative thoughts. When used in meditation can reduce stress (especially worked related) and anxiety. It has been used for opening and improving psychic ability (clairvoyance), spiritual expansion and increased potential. Many use it for relief of insomnia when placed under a pillow. Brings spiritual harmony to mind, body and soul. A protective stone against negative energies, it can ward from psychic attack and especially useful if empathic as it assists with grounding energy when in your vicinity. As it transmutes energies from negative to positive it can also cleanse your other crystals.
Amazonite: Associated with - Throat (3rd) and when particularly green in tone the Heart (4th) Chakra.
Keywords: Good luck, Calming, Soothing, Courage, Truth, Communication
Has the ability to clear psychic debris, dissolve negative thoughts and brings about interactions between intellect and intuition. When used in meditation it can provide clarity and truth to situations by promoting communication, especially when we need to move beyond fear and judgement by means to express ourselves. It is great for stress by removing toxic emotions. Reveals truths about our inner-selves, moves anger and irritability we may feel in a more positive direction. Can assist with dream manifestation when close by or under a pillow when we sleep. May help to access distant memories (incl. past lives) and ancestral energies.
Angelite: Associated with the Throat/Third Eye/Crown Chakra (5th/6th/7th)
Keywords: Steadiness, Coolness, Attentiveness
Promotes peacefulness and silence during meditative states. Enhances or awakens psychic intuition and contact with higher realms. Soothing for emotional confusion.
Black Obsidian - Associated with the Root (1st) Chakra
Keywords: Grounding, Reflecting, Hex-breaking, Protection
Reveals hidden or lost objects. When used as a meditation tool is said to reveal hidden issues by encouraging inner work and release of negative emotions that no longer serve. A grounding stone used to rebalancing and cleanse. When used in magickal workings is said to protect from negative energies and influence. Can be used in reversal hex’s or breaking negative spells set by others. Obsidian’s shiny surface is used as a mirror scrying tool. Obsidian is thought to be truth-enhancing. A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity. It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment. Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension. (Gold Sheen Obsidian: A wonderful polished black obsidian point with lots of gold sheen visible when turned to the light.)
Fluorite - Associated with the Heart (4th), Throat (5th) & Third Eye (6th) Chakras
Zodiac Signs: Capricorn & Pisces
Elements: Air & Water
Keywords: Intellect, Cleansing, Truth, Creativity, Lucid Dreams
It’s name comes from the Latin word fluor, meaning “flow,” but today, it is used to describe the crystal’s fluorescence – its ability to glow under ultraviolet light. When used in meditation, crystal healing or just by having close by it ushers in a new dimension of beauty and harmony into your life and is the representation of spiritual sensitivity. Fluorite is an aura cleanser and stabilises it by absorbing and neutralising negative energies, stress and is protective in psychic endeavours. Fluorite’s energy assists in dreaming and acts as a guide to your dreams making them more vivid and easier to remember when you wake. Also known as the Stone of Genius, proves itself as an excellent learning aid by increasing concentration, self-confidence and assists in decision-making. It promotes better thoughts by activating both hemispheres of the brain, bringing forth a flourish of activity, creativity and ingenuity. Promotes positivity and aids the balance of energies.
Labradorite - Associated with the Throat (5th) Chakra (linking also with the Third Eye 6th Chakra.
Element of Water
Signs: Scorpio, Leo, Sagittarius
Keywords: Openness, Flexibility, Protection, Transformation, Opening, Spiritual exploration, Magick, Shielding, Clairvoyance, Spirits
Stone of the New Moon, great for setting intentions for new beginnings. Its iridescence acts as a shield and strengthens our own to protect a persons aura, especially if near emotional or psychic "vampires" which can drain energy reserves, but also balances this conflicting energy over time. Allows focus on personal issues without interference from external influence. Embracement of new ideas and opportunity, whilst releasing fears or insecurities of an overactive mind. Shifting of awareness outside our normal range to increase psychic awareness for clairvoyance, telepathy, communication with guides, psychic reading. Lore of the Inuit peoples claim Labradorite fell from the frozen fire of the Aurora Borealis, an ordinary stone that transforms to the extraordinary, shimmering in a mystical light that separates the waking world from unseen realms. It is, in every sense, a Stone of Magic, a crystal of shamans, diviners, healers, and all who travel and embrace the universe seeking knowledge and guidance. It creates a shielding force throughout the aura and strengthening natural energies from within. It protects against the negativity and misfortunes of this world, and provides safe exploration into alternate levels of consciousness. Wearing or carrying Labradorite allows one's innate magical powers to surface. It enhances the mental and intuitive abilities of clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy and coincidence control, and assists in communication with higher guides and spirits in accessing Akashic records, psychic readings and past-life recall. It provides an ease in moving between the worlds, and permits a safe and grounded return to the present. Used to align the throat chakra, labradorite stimulates stronger psychic communication abilities and within the third eye chakra, works to enhance both telepathic and prophetic gifts.
Lapis Lazuli: Associated with Throat (5th) and Third Eye (6th) Chakra
A stone that seems to turn up when you need it! Lapis Lazuli is one of the most sought after stones in use since man's history began, with the deep celestial blue remaining the symbol of royalty and honor, gods and power, spirit and vision. It is a universal symbol of wisdom and truth. Lapis is a powerful crystal for activating the higher mind and enhancing intellectual ability, stimulating the desire for knowledge, truth and understanding and aids the process of learning (it is excellent for enhancing memory). A crystal of truth in all aspects, revealing inner truth, and promotes self-awareness and the acceptance of that knowledge. It provides for the relief of things that may have been suppressed and allows for them to surface, helping to diminish dis-ease or repressed anger, and allows for self-expression without holding back or compromising. Lapis is one of the oldest spiritual stones known to man, used by healers, priests and royalty, for power, wisdom and to stimulate psychic abilities and inner vision. As a protection stone, Lapis Lazuli recognises psychic attack and blocks it, returning the energy back to its source. It honours Athena, the Greek Goddess of War and Wisdom. She is always depicted in armor and is known as a skilled fighter and strategist, and for her superb logic and intellect. Hera the Greek Goddess of Marriage, and the Queen of all Gods and Goddesses on Mt Olympus. She is a source of inspiration for wives and lovers, and for standing up for what is right. Use it for Inanna, the Sumerian Goddess of the Underworld. She journeys into the underworld carrying her Lapis Lazuli rods and measures time and the length of a person's life as well as Nuit the Egyptian Goddess of Heaven and Sky. She swallows the sun each evening, and gives birth to it again each morning. She is the protector and mother of life on Earth. Venus is also associated with this stone (also called Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty). She was one of twelve Olympians who governed all aspects of human life, and is known for her beauty and passion. Can be used to honour the Celtic River Goddess, Danu.
Selenite - Associated with the Crown (7th) Chakra
Element: Water
Gender: Feminine
Deities: Selene, Diana, Hecate, Nyx, Luna
Selenite can be used as a means to clear negative energies and assist with purifying emotions, which often used in this way by spiritual wellness. The name selenite is derived from the Greek name for the Moon goddess Selene, because of it’s colour and property (like moonlight) and is associated with the birth sign Taurus.
These highly vibrational crystals assist in delivering mind clarity by removing negative energy from the aura (physical and etheric body). Beneficial for relieving anxiety or stress when held next to the heart during meditation. Selenite crystal is very reflective of light taking on the attributes of the moon and could be used to celebrate your moon goddesses.
Shungite - Associated with the Root (1st) Chakra
Shungite boosts your energy, heals, relieves stress, detoxifies and purifies body and mind, protects from harmful EMFs, increases physical and mental balance. A natural mineral of unusual composition and structure, Shungite is an ancient rock formation that's about 2 billion years old. It comes from only one place on Earth - a Russian region of Karelia - near the small settlement called Shun'ga (hence the name), on the shores of Lake Onega. Shungite has been used for centuries - its lore dates back to before the reign of Peter the Great, locals knew about its mysterious "great powers” and used it to heal diseases and purify water. It is composed of a crystalline form of carbon, Russian scientists confirm that, in addition to being a natural antioxidant, it can improve immune system function. It also actively interacts with various electromagnetic fields (anthropogenic high-frequency, solar, geopathogenic, biofields) and neutralizes their negative impact. Highly effective on the lower chakra (1-3), within the spiritual field, Shungite is considered to be a very powerful tool of transformation. It is often called “a catalyst for positive changes and growth”, for its ability to help heal lower Chakras while preparing the body for higher energy working. It is believed to support physical and emotional balance and increase mental clarity, dissipating destructive thoughts and spiritual imbalances. Powerful grounding, centering and protective energies make Shungite one of the best choices for balancing the lower energy centers of the body. Shungite can also be used to make many elixirs. One very common Elixir would be soaking the stone in water for a brief period of time allowing it to purify. Drinking the purified water is beneficial to cell growth and assisting in detoxification of the body.
Sodalite - Associated with Throat (3rd) and Brow (2nd) Chakras
Keywords: Quietening, Stabilising, Calming, Peace, Contact, Meditation
Clears mental confusion by providing objectivity and rational thinking, clearing the way for new information. When used on the throat chakra may assist with improving communication and contact with others. Used on the brow (3rd eye) chakra during meditation, it can assist in increasing awareness and clarifies perceptions, bringing about wisdom and insight. A mood stabiliser, this cool calming stone may dampen angry or irritable moods.
Fire & Ice Quartz: Associated with All Chakra
Keywords: Healing, Intuition, Balancing, Cleansing, Universal Wisdom, Manifesting, Law of Attraction
This quartz contains micro fissures that create a rainbow like effect within the crystal matrix. This crystal connects to all the physical and transpersonal chakras, the high vibrational energy opens, balances, cleanses and aligns all of your chakra and energy fields, so that energy can flow unhindered through the chakric system helping to increase your vibrational energy. It can be used as a tool to opens your consciousness to higher dimensions, so guidance and wisdom can be channelled and become more receptive to your soul’s impulses and ignites your soul purpose. The rainbows within it’s crystalline matrix raises vibrations of the Quartz, so that its energy works multi-dimensionally. Self cleansing, it is particularly useful for spiritual manifestation, having a strong resonance with the law of attraction. its a crystal for new beginnings and profound growth.
Zebra Jasper (Aura)
Zebra Jasper in itself is a powerful stone that can bring balance and positivity into your life. This stone brings a sense of balance and harmony to the chaos of daily life. So can be useful to keep in areas that are slightly stressful, or when you need to crack on with tasks, instead of procrastination; so your workspace may prove the ideal place for this tower. Sometimes called “The Stone Of Balance”, Zebra Jasper will keep you grounded to the physical plane while you reach for the heavens. A stone focused on positivity, used to lift the mood, foster optimism, create compassion and reduce stress and anxiety. If you’re facing roadblocks on your way to achieving your goals, then Zebra Jasper might be able to give you the extra boost of courage to keep on going.
A little about Aura Quartz
Clear Quartz is an extremely powerful healing and energy amplifier - absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating energies of the body. Enhanced by precious metals, Aura Quartzes become very high-vibrational stones that are master-healers for any condition. They carry a high level of Life Force, cleansing and enhancing the organs, stimulating the immune and energy systems, and bringing the body into balance.
Aura Quartzes are crystals of spiritual elevation, remarkable for their powers of guidance and expansion of the soul. They provide serenity and peace during meditation, deepening one’s attunement to the Divine
Titanium Auras: Bonded with Titanium and Niobium, these crystal is excellent for use in spiritual initiations and rituals, and for deepening meditation and spiritual attunement. It creates a multi-dimensional energy shift, drawing kundalini energy up the spine and through the subtle bodies, adjusting its effect to provide what each soul needs for evolution. It may also be used during meditation to promoted contact with ancient Greek civilizations. Stimulating the Third Eye and Higher Crown Chakras, it enhances focus and increasing the ability to “read” people at an energetic and subtle level and to understand the information that was communicated.
Rainbow Aura - Bonded with Gold and Titanium; these gems activate all the energy centres in the body, clearing a path for Life Force to manifest throughout the subtle bodies, bringing in a vibrant energy and zest for life. It is particularly supportive for those in dysfunctional relationships.
Angel Aura Quartz - Quartz bonded with Platinum and Silver, sometimes Gold or other trace metals; exhibits a light blue, rainbow and silvery iridescence like the gossamer wings of angels. It carries a very loving and sweet energy, stimulating the spirit and elevating one’s mood.
Rose Quartz Aura: bonded with Platinum, sometimes with additional Gold or Silver; exhibits a lovely raspberry rose metallic sheen. The gentle energy of Rose Aura is uplifting but not overwhelming, and produces a marvelous frequency that stimulates the pineal gland and the Heart Chakra to transmute deeply held doubts about self-worth.
Aura Quartzes honor Whope, the Lakota Sioux Goddess of Peace. She is not only the goddess of harmony, but also of meditation and friendship.
Aura Quartzes also honor Estsanatlehi, the Navajo Fertility Goddess and Cerridwen, the Welsh Goddess of Inspiration and Knowledge. She rules the gifts of prophecy and magic, and powers death and rebirth. She is the guardian of spiritual transformation.
Crystal Ball holder not included, but is available separately on the website…😊