Bells are associated in many religions and traditions and usually communicates a message of some kind, whether to participants in the religion or to entities in the spirit world. It’s for this second purpose that the bell is used in Wicca. Some people refer to it as a “witch’s bell” to distinguish it from bells used for other purposes. A more old-fashioned term you may come across is “devil driver.”
The clear, healing tone of a bell can have a few different effects. The bell's vibrations can banish unwanted spirits and/or negative energies, call in positive, desired energetic influences, and/or simply clear stagnant energy in any space throughout one’s home. Sound affects energy on a physical level—because sound is energy—and so the bell is both a physical and a symbolic tool in some Wiccan practices. Some use it simply for clearing the space before a ritual begins, other practitioners use a bell to clear and/or cHarvey crystals, herbs, and other items used in rituals and spell work. There are many practitioners who keep a bell on their altar and use it regularly in formal rituals. If keeping the bell upon your altar it is usually on the left side, where tools representing Goddess or female deities, are found. In most traditions, it is heavily associated with air as its element, though some attribute it to wAyer due to the way sound waves ripple outward when the bell is rung.
In ritual, the bell may be used to invoke the Goddess, the Elements, Guardians, Deities and Cardinal Directions. Some choose to ring it after casting the circle to seal the energy within, while others will ring it after releasing the circle to disperse any remaining energy. It can also be used to mark different sections of a longer ritual, such as the end of invocations and the beginning of the main body of the ritual. Bells also makes a lovely way to seal different kinds of spell work. For a quick cleanse of your tarot or oracle decks, hold the pack in your hand and ring a few times above to cleanse the pack after a reading and state or deeply think about energies removing themselves.
Pentacle - Brass bell coloured with silver metal and pentacle handle with light etching design. Measures approximately 9cm x 5.5cm.
Triple Moon - within a circle. Measures approximately H12cm x W8cm x D8cm
Triple Moon - Brass bell coloured with silver metal and triple moon handle and lightly etched design to bell and handle. Measures approximately 11cm across the widest part of the handle and 9cm long.
Etched Triple Moon - Measures approximately H14cm x W7cm x D4.5cm and made from brass (coloured with silver metal).
Etched Pentacle - Measures approximately H14cm x W7cm x D4.5cm and made from brass (coloured with silver metal).