Times are a little tough at the mo for I think pretty much everyone. When I was approached by a lady (called Elizabeth) asking whether I could stock her Wiccan wreaths, I thought I’d help out. While business is slow, I can’t help but to give someone a leg up. She makes the most lovely wreaths, featuring a pentagram, dried and artificial flowers, ribbons and sprays. I decided to stock three to see how they go as a trial, different styles to suit varying tastes. Use by an altar if you have one, or to decorate your home.
Each one has been delicately handcrafted into a twiggy wreath. The only ones available so far are as stocked. I’ve bought these directly and named them myself, so let’s see if we can’t make them a regular item to help someone out. I make very little on these by the time my costs, time to process, payment, Webhost, advertising fees etc are taken into account, I merely selling to serve as a means for someone else to have another avenue to sell, to make a little money. It’s not a sob story, just believe that if we have the power to help someone out, even as a trial opportunity then perhaps give it a go. See the item photos for better idea of what they look like, brief descriptions below.
Purple Bliss: Purple is the colour of wealth, esoteric knowledge and calm. This purple toned wreath has been designed to be placed on a hook, with artificial purple roses, eucalyptus and lavender sprays, with tiny heads of dried flowers. Wooden pentagram to the middle
Beloved: Dark red artificial roses, with darker tonal sprays to the bottom of the wreath. For those of dark mystery, wonder and deep esoterica knowledge- maybe for the discerning chaos witch or those who know how to work with their shadow. Wooden pentagram features to the middle. Dark red ribbon to hang by.
Peaceful Wonder: A leafy wreath, with tones of purple artificial sprays, intermixed with real acorns, dried allium and dried orange. A lighter take of autumnal turning. A cottage witch or comfy home kinda vibe. Designed to be placed on a hook.
The wreaths themselves measure approximately 12” diameter (1ft), with the sprays of flowers measurements may be slightly wider dependent on the style. Please be mindful, leaving them out in the elements may see them spoil, I would probably advise these to be indoor pieces.