Collection: The Witch’s Store Cupboard
Make your space your own with this collection of bits and bobs you can use in Magick and rituals. Stocked with tools of the pagan trade and what you may need to add to your altar or redecorate your space ready for any Magick. Your altar is your own, make it as simple or as outrageous as you want, this is your craft, your time. Bring to it what resonates with you, whether it be skulls, shells or crystals. Loadsa candles or just the one. Find solace in what you create, for you have the power.
For altar ware please check out the Altar Ware Collection, which includes altar tables, altar cloths, cauldrons, chalices, wands, pestle & mortars, spell candles and the like. I also sell bits you may need for rituals such as incense, smudge sticks and resins, herbs, teas, divination pieces...pretty much what you need for your magick and ritual endeavours.
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