Made with 100% pure essential oils and soy wax, these aromatic wonders fill a room with fragrance, ideal for setting your energies using the power of the runes. Plus it’s the first of (fingers crossed) my own range of goodies. Whether for meditation, creative pursuits, healing or just because you love to light a candle or two! The oils in each one combine to create the perfect atmosphere for your pursuits.
The meaning of rune is “secret” or “mysterium”; each symbol has a deeper meaning above and beyond the sound it makes in language. A meaning that was traditionally held as a secret holy concept, “a formless and timeless idea”.
It is said that Odin received the mystery of the runes after hanging from Yggdrasil, the world tree, for nine days and nine nights. After sacrificing of himself, he was able to extract the wisdom of the runes. He then shared this gift with the rune vitki – sorcerers and magicians who used the power of the runes for divination and spellcasting.
These candles are made from soy wax, so are good for the environment and your soul! Each candle has a burn time of approximately 40 hours, so plenty of time to sit and relax by the flickering wonder. They are made with essential oils, which have been chosen to reflect each rune aspect. Each one has a unique property and are listed below.
PERTHRO - (Or Peorth/Poerdh/Pertho) Made with clove and peppermint oils which is ideal blend for bringing mental clarity when you get a bit stuck in a rut. It may seem like an odd pairing, but in fact it is all about balance, the warming scent of clove counters the cooling scent of the peppermint. Perthro is a rune of related to esoteric knowledge and inner secrets, some see this rune as a game cup, one of chance that rolls the dice of fate. Some see it as a womb or a tomb…where there is death there is also rebirth and the chance to start over. Whilst our will may be free, we are often constrained by one thing or another, whether it’s the daily drudge or situations we feel we cannot leave. However, Perthro may instil a bit of creativity into how you get out of that rut. How you choose to burn this candle is up to you, do you call upon the The Norns who sit beneath the Yggdrasil keeping it alive; Urðr (Wyrd), Verðandi, and Skuld, to give you answers by flame gazing or will you burn with the intention of using your innate powers to discover the path that lies ahead by throwing your runes as this burns? By turning inward we may find our own hidden secrets, lost within memory that need to pass in order to proceed.
Clove is of the fire element, to bring about courage to take the path as yet unseen. It is also both protecting and warding from negative forces to guard you on your inward path. Clove provides a focus in order to gain clarity and by stimulating your conscious mind. Peppermint is stimulating for getting things done, but at the same time promotes a relaxed mind to clear the fuzz and stress. Having stagnant energies around the place can also skew our ability to concentrate, so the background of peppermint can help clear the space for you to get done what needs to be done. With these two oils combined and the power of Perthro, is a nice one to burn when researching or writing a new spell or ritual, getting creative, writing essays, getting that pile of paperwork done or for exam revision.
INGWAZ - (Ing) Ingwaz is the inner fire that drives us, that beacon of light full of potential. It has the power to draw elements together to gain access to all power. This drawing together can be used to create a unity of a pair, a whole community or of family. New beginnings can be forged by utilising this candle when it comes to a variety of relationships. Ingwaz offers strength and patience – helping you to gather energy so it can be transformed through you. Its fertile powers are used literally, as in childbirth, or to support you in the realisation of your creative endeavours. It’s elements of Earth and Water neatly match the oils contained within, making Ylang and Patchouli oils well suited to the attributes of Ingwaz.
Patchouli is of Earth and ruled by Saturn, which will help you keep grounded during your endeavours, whilst opening your second sight in order to see the right path. It wards off energies that do not belong, leaving you clear in what needs to be done. Ylang ylang oil is ruled by water, so adds a subtle calm so you don’t over extend your energies while stirring your passion within to light your inner flame. Both the oils are related to attraction and love, so links with the power of Ingwaz in building relationships. Both aim to bring a happiness and joy to your world by giving you the light of Ingwaz.
GEBO - (Gyfu) Gebo is the rune that brings strength in both mental and physical health, when we let our body and mind rest, we can become whole again. A healthy mind equates to a healthy body, giving you opportunity to realign yourself and bring you back to you. Life is a gift in itself; yes there are struggles we must face during our lifetimes, but through these times if we carry ourselves in the right manner - we will be rewarded. There is a joy to be found in Gebo, the sign that forms the kisses we leave on messages for loved ones, give a little love to yourself too by harnessing the power of this rune. Gebo also dictates a need for an intention to have an action in order to gain a result - “a gift demands a gift”, so whatever you are intending, you will need to action it - the basics of witchcraft and the olde ways. Leave a gift of honour or just get out there and show your willing. It is also a rune connected to divination and wisdom…quite often linked to prosperous times..
Made with lavender and geranium oils, this one ideal for assisting sleep or promote relaxation. With both these being emotionally balancing, they act as a means to reduce stress and are often used in aromatherapy to defeat the blues and bring about peace. To heal oneself and be grateful for the gift of life..no matter how tough it gets, puts us in a positive loop rather than a negative one. Sit with the candle of Gebo and inhale the scents to bring back your inner happiness and peace, meditate on the things we are grateful for everyday; there are probably more than you think.
ANSUZ- The God rune of Odin. A rune of intellect and wisdom, one of divine inspiration to bring about order and stability. The rune connected a higher power through invocation, see what lies ahead and learn what fate has in store. Our actions will always produce a reaction, choose wisely and it will not only be luck that guides you, but your own conscious efforts. The rune is protective also, so whatever your endeavour, know you have a greater power on your side. Positivity begets positivity, rid yourself of negativity with the rune of Ansuz.
Made with clary sage and peppermint oils, ideal when you need a bit of clarity! Both clary sage and peppermint have the aromatherapeutic benefits of reducing stress and can assist with instilling calm - although clary sage has be known to induce euphoric states in some! This will assist in finding your centre in order to see more clearly without the mental fuzz and allow you raise your game. Clary sage is said to stimulate dreams, so keep a close eye on what comes through. Peppermint raises your consciousness and removes negative thoughts, to heal your mind and assist with times of transition. It can purify not only your mind, but your space too, where lingering energies are affecting you day to day.
These come in a dark glass jar with a screw top lid to keep the precious scents contained! Vegan friendly. 200g Soy Wax Candle with essential oils and Runic Symbols, blessed on my altar to assist in your spiritual practice. 40 hour burn time. Designed by me…she of Spirit Esoterica! Xx