Patchouli - A strongly scented perfume and powerful earthly tone, this has a variety of uses. Often used in spells concerning money and for Magick of a romantic nature. Great for grounding oneself when doing spiritual work, use for protection, banishing and purification and working with earth element.

A whole host of incense sticks and cones to tickle your fancy! From Pagan Spells to Positive Vibes, raise your vibrations and clear your thoughts! Wonderful whiffs to scent your space and home, may be used for ritual purposes, spell work, during meditation or just to chill out in “the zone”.
A variety has been stocked so you can find one to suit your needs, all descriptions can be found below 😘. I currently stock a wide variety of incense holders to suit most tastes.
This incense is hand rolled in India using the finest quality ingredients, using methods that have been passed down through the generations. Instil a sense of calm in your space by lighting one (or two, or three....) of these highly fragranced incense sticks. Ideal for use in meditation to bring fantastic smells to heighten your senses and bring a different dynamic to your relaxation. Use for clearing your space before ritual/ magickal workings, set intentions by the smoke.
Cannabis- no it doesn’t honk like the actual “herb” itself, this incense provides a pleasant aroma to relax and calm. These fine incense sticks capture the lush scent of cannabis flowers and are perfect for relaxing with friends and family.
Positive Vibes- who doesn’t need some of this every now and again?! An uplifting fragrance which would probably be fab for providing an air of positive vibrations during meditation and increasing positivity in your home or sacred space.
Californian White Sage - well known in shamanic and mystical circles for cleansing and clearing your space of negativity, bad vibes and energies. Brill to use before and after rituals, spell work, divination or if any tension exists within the home. If you can’t deal with a too smoky atmosphere from smudge sticks, then this would be a great second choice.
Patchouli - A strongly scented perfume and powerful earthly tone, this has a variety of uses. Often used in spells concerning money and for Magick of a romantic nature. Great for grounding oneself when doing spiritual work, use for protection, banishing and purification and working with earth element.
Dragon’s Blood - Dragon's blood is Thought to add potency to spell work, this scent is derived from numerous plant genus; Croton, Dracaena, Daemononorops, Calamus rotang and Pterocarpus. Normally bright red in colour (hence the name) it was used in medieval ritual magick and alchemy. Uses include money, love and protection spells and as an incense to cleanse a space of negative entities or influence.
Spiritual Healing - I think it’s fair to say, we’ve all seen a bit of a rubbish year so far, so lighten up your aura and give yourself some spiritual time to heal and grow. Ideal for your meditation rituals to let go of all stresses and strains that have piled on over the recent months and get you, back to you. Sandalwood & Nag Champa xx
Money Matrix - In these times of uncertainty or just for a boost in finance, surely every little helps?!! A good one to use in setting intentions, meditating upon how to up your finances or for spell work.
Reiki Power - Enhance your energy skills by attuning to this incense, utilise and awaken universal energy for healing or meditation.
Seven Chakra - Align your chakra during meditation or whilst crystal healing for a boost. Concentrate on unblocking or re-aligning your chakra when you need. Burn to provide focus during your alignment processes.
Sacred Ritual - Even the best of us lack time to conduct a full ritual, naughty I know, but hey it’s the truth! Burn these incense for offering to deities, for magickal purposes or for your own “get back to you” rituals.
You will receive a box of incense measuring approximately H:4.2cm W:22cm D:2cm. Each box contains 15 sticks.
A range of mythically scented incense sticks to instil a sense of intention in your space by lighting one (or two, or three....) of these highly fragranced incense sticks. Ideal for use in meditation to bring fantastic smells to heighten your senses and bring a different dynamic to your relaxation. Use for clearing your space before ritual/ magickal workings, set intentions by the smoke. Incense has the value of honouring the elements of Air and Fire.
Black Magic incense sticks with a Opium fragrance, box is brilliantly decorated with skull and cross bones. An ideal incense for those who dwell within the darker circles.
Pagan Magic incense sticks are scented with a Poison fragrance, decorated with a pentacle to the box. A firm fave with a few of my customers! Use to set your intentions or just to relax and enjoy the wonderful scent.
Dragon's Blood Incense: Scented with dragon's blood resin it features dragon to the box. Dragon's blood is Thought to add potency to spell work, this scent is derived from numerous plant genus; Croton, Dracaena, Daemononorops, Calamus rotang and Pterocarpus. Normally bright red in colour (hence the name) it was used in medieval ritual magick and alchemy. Uses include money, love and protection spells and as an incense to cleanse a space of negative entities or influence.
Guardian Angel - There are just times when we need that little extra boost from our celestial ones, so set yourself in mind to call upon those who guard you, light one of these to assist you in times of need.
Angel Touch - Use these for when conducting your angel Magick or meditation to have a helping hand from your celestial ones, feel the touch of light.
Green Man - The spirit of woods and forests wrapped up in an incense stick. Great for honouring nature spirits, the masculine deities and for spring time offerings as the leaves unfurl and the land awakens.
Amber - A fab one for healing incenses and spells, with the ability to preserve magick for longer term goals, although it is a non-transformational so be be clear minded if using in magicking. Use for any sun related ritual, spells or Sabbat and as an offering to Sun deities.
White Sage - Most commonly used for cleansing and clearing spaces, tools and spell ingredients. Ideal for spaces that have stagnant energy, or which has come under stress. Use prior to rituals, spells and rites.
Meditation -
Fairy Dreams-
Buddha -
Stress Relief -
Elements incense contains approximately 20sticks per pack, with each pack measuring H:2.5cm W:24cm D:3cm
Incense by New Moon Aromas, each pack contains about 15g of incense (roughly sticks). All the ingredients of these natural product are purely organic, non toxic, ozone friendly and ALCOHOL FREE. Each Incense Stick is hand rolled in their manufacturing plant in India. Each stick when lit fills your home or environment with beautiful fragrance, blissful relaxation, aiding to make your meditative and spiritual journey smooth. New varieties added all of which of which smell great and assist with manifesting, honouring or just chilling to!
Pagan Spell is made from unique blend of rare herbs, flowers, resins and essential oils which may be used in your workings, useful for banishing and protection. Much like the Elements range it may be used to set your intentions or just to relax and enjoy the wonderful scent. Use for any spell, just charge with the intention you seek.
Wiccan Ritual to assist with altar work and any Wiccan Rituals, Sabbats or Esbats. Define your space with the scent to raise energy and embrace the powers of the olde ones to guide and help you.
Goddess is a scent designed to burn in honour of your chosen female deities or Goddess herself. Use at your altar to give thanks to her, raise the energies and find your own inner goddess. Perhaps use during meditation to receive guidance from the divine feminine, to empower and receive.
Full Moon Magic, as the name may suggest is one to burn during your Full Moon manifesting, spell works and rituals to raise your vibration and set your intentions. Or use alongside your full moon meditations to heighten your senses.
Dark Rose is a sultry scent, Rose but with a dark twist, you can smell the scent of the Rose coming through but there in lingers a scent darker and more mysterious. Personally one I’d use for Dark Moon rituals, working with Crone aspects and shadow self. Let yourself reveal your inner shadow with this one, the Rose is supportive and healing allowing you to let go of traumas and hurt.
These incense sticks have been chosen for assisting you in your magick related to protecting and hopefully bringing prosperity into your life. Work your spells related these properties with these highly scented sticks. Great for setting intentions within your space as you work towards achieving these intentions, incense honours the elements of both Fire and Air. The packs have artwork designed by Lisa Parker, making them a fab gift for a loved one or magickal friend.
Prosperity - mmmm Jasmine, this airy floral scent has all the attributes to set your money Magick alight!
Protection - sandalwood scented to provide protection while you work your magick. Burn during divination, binding rituals or just when you feel the need to comfort yourself against the world.
A great value item with each pack coming with 20 sticks to help your magick on its way!
Angel Healing - sent from the highest vibrations, use to dispel your woes, troubles and strife. Heal from within, a great one to burn as you meditate and find ways to heal from within.
Green Man - Celebrate the cycles of life and allow the Green Man incense to bring a “Spring” in your step. Useful for burning during the Sabbats and Esbats of Spring time and to bring about your own rebirth during transitions and change.
Oak King - let the charm of the forest let you get back to nature. An earthy scent, brill to burn when you feel the need to be outside..but the British weather holds you back! Pagan cultures believe at the time of the Winter Solstice (Yule), the Oak King conquers the Holly King, and then reigns until Midsummer or Libra. A great idea to burn for the Sabbats and Esbats during this time.
Wizard Spell - scented with patchouli, let the enchanting aroma of its unique and subtle essence guide and drift you gently to a magical kingdom.
Witch’s Curse/Hex - Someone placed some bad ju-ju on you, feeling someone working against you? Use these incense sticks to release a hex or bad vibe from you and your space by purifying and instilling calm and serenity to the air.
Stamford boxes contain 15 sticks, which burn for about half an hour...plenty of time for those intentions!
Night Queen - To match the Dream Spirit Perfume also available on this website to bring a double whammy! A scent to invoke your inner shadow- something we must all face if we are to be whole - to call out your inner issues, past trauma and to be able to pick apart, discover what is holding you back and to heal. Also for your power goddesses, the ones you honour and work with most.
Mugwort - A witchy one for sure! Said to enhance psychic ability, lucid dreaming, afford protection from negative influence and energies and protect you on your travels. One for the crone goddesses and can be used as such to honour them at your altar. Can be used during the dark moon phase to release negativity or during the full moon phase to enhance your psychic meditations.
Hem incense boxes contain approximately 20 sticks per pack.
Bumper Pack!
Love to have a variety of scents in your home? This bumper pack of incense contains around 92 (yes 92!) incense sticks with a variety of fragrances to suit your mood. Great value and will keep your home or space smelling gorgeous for ages!!
Incense Cones
Frankincense and Myrrh - Frankincense and myrrh are resins extracted from trees in the Burseraceae family, which grow in across parts of Asia and Africa. They have been used for thousands of years for their healing powers. There are some that say the scent of frankincense may ease depression and anxiety (Pharmacologists at Hebrew University of Jerusalem). Use of frankincense can clear or cleanse a space, some use for opening the third eye during meditation. It is also great for magickal workings regarding money. Myrhh when combined with frankincense is often used in banishing rituals/ magick, hex/ curse breaking and for protection from magickal or psychic attack. Myrhh was used to celebrate the goddess Isis, so these cones would be great to burn during a ritual celebration. Myrhh can be a great de-stressor, so when teamed with frankincense may help your emotions and nerves.
Opium - Based upon the poppy scents this incense can be associated with inducing sleep, dreams and visions so can be used for dream or trance Magick. These incense cones have a bit of a naughty allure, so some may use it for finding forbidden knowledge. These cones could be a stand in as a Saturn incense.
Palo Santo - Palo Santo (or Holy Wood) is the Spanish name for the Bursera graveolens found growing natively in Mexico and South America. This special tree is widely used for folk medicine and claimed to rid and cleanse spaces of negative energy and bestow good luck when burned.
Guardian Angel - There are just times when we need that little extra boost from our celestial ones, so set yourself in mind to call upon those who guard you, light one of these to assist you in times of need.
Love Angel - Whether you need a little self-love or to feel the love of others (including Angels), light one of these cones to help you realise the love that surrounds you and resides within yourself.
Each pack contains 15 incense cones. Comes with a small round metal cone holder. You will receive one pack which measure H:12.5cm W:7.5cm D:2.5cm.