These cute little accessories make a great gift, or for yourself! Team up together for added gemstone energies. They are threaded onto elastic cord so expand to fit most wrist sizes. Ideal for wearing everyday, for a little boho chic, witchy magicking and crystal healing! All come on an elasticated thread, so will fit most wrists.
African Turquoise (4mm): The “Stone of Evolution.” It encourages growth and development to foster positive change from within. It opens the mind to new ideas and endless possibilities. African Turquoise is a stone that inspires structure and balance to awaken one to their intended purpose. It pushes one to use the knowledge they already possess, while also enlightening one to the wisdom of others to help one become a better person for all of humanity's benefit. African Turquoise is believed to help ease mood swings, encourage acceptance and soothe feelings of emotional aggravation resulting in a more optimistic attitude towards life.
Garnet (4mm beads & Chip):
Is the traditional birthstone of those born in January. All Garnets honour Sekmet, the alter ego of Bast and is the Egyptian Goddess of War. She is the most powerful goddess of Lower Egypt, and is usually depicted with the head of a lion and the body of a beautiful woman.It is a stone of prosperity and abundance, encouraging gratitude and service to others. Associated with the Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras. Garnet is also known for its utilization of creative energy. It grounds spirit forces within the body and helps in the ability to work lovingly on the physical plane. Garnet is a sensual stone, representing primordial fire, the creation of the world out of chaos, purification and love. It is a stone of strong, intense feelings. A handy stone to wear in a crisis, particularly in situations where there seems to be no way out or where life has fragmented. It fortifies, activates, and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope into those situations. Crisis is turned into challenge under Garnet's influence and promotes mutual assistance in times of trouble. Garnet sharpens your perceptions of yourself and other people. It dissolves ingrained behaviour patterns that are no longer serving you, and helps you let go of obsolete ideas. Remotes inhibitions and taboos, opening up the heart and bestowing self-confidence, it is also known as a “Stone of Commitment” - to purpose, to others, and to oneself. Its loving powers reflect the attributes of devotion and understanding. It both monitors and adjusts the flow of energy to provide for a balanced energy field around the physical body and alignment of the emotional and intellectual bodies.
Phrenite (4mm beads)
Prehnite crystals help focus and enhance your efforts to seek wisdom, lighting your path to understanding. It has a powerful Olive ray, being the colour of receptiveness to new meanings and ideas. This coloured crystal is an excellent to help you in the beginning of a search for knowledge and enlightenment. This is a stone to aid the apprentice, the student, and the assistant. Prehnite is considered a “Stone of Unconditional Love” and the crystal to heal the healer. It enhances precognition and inner knowing. Enables you always to be prepared. Prehnite calms the environment and brings peace and protection. It teaches how to be in harmony with nature and the elemental forces. Helpful for “decluttering” – letting go of possessions you no longer need, aiding those who hoard possessions, or love, because of an inner lack. Prehnite alleviates nightmares, phobias and deep fears, uncovering and healing the dis-ease that creates them. It is a stone for dreaming and remembering. Beneficial for hyperactive children and the causes that underlie the condition. Said to heal the kidneys and bladder, thymus gland, shoulders, chest and lungs, alternative therapies use it for gout and blood disorders.
Aventurine (6mm beads & Chip)
Green Aventurine is known as the “Stone of Opportunity,” thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favor in competitions or games of chance. This beautiful stone, however, is not merely an attractor of luck, but one that aligns conditions so “opportunity” is inevitable. Green Aventurine releases old patterns, habits and disappointments so new growth can take place. It brings optimism and a zest for life, allowing one to move forward with confidence and to embrace change. Green Aventurine carries a strong connection to Earth and the devic kingdom, providing a better understanding and appreciation of nature and its soothing vibrations upon the mind and body. It’s soothing energy balances the emotional body, guiding one toward inner harmony. It calms nervousness, anger and irritation, and helps dissolve the everyday stress of a hectic lifestyle. It quiets roving thoughts and enhances sleep while providing a gentle grounding effect on one’s vibrational field. It releases the notion that every event must be analysed. Green Aventurine soothes emotional wounds, allowing one to recognise the issues behind illness or imbalance, depression or defeat, and to facilitate the release of unhealthy relationships, patterns and heartache. It encourages one to view hardships in life as impermanent, as an opportunity for growth in a new direction, and for taking all things in stride. It inspires a feeling of lightness, even humor, which can then stimulate a renewed sense of optimism, joy and hope. Green Aventurine is a comforter and heart healer, used to clear and activate the Heart Chakra for general well-being and emotional calm. It is also a powerful protector of the Heart Chakra, providing a shield to block entry from those who would “tap-in” and use the energy of another. This stone honours Kuan-Yin, the Chinese Goddess of Mercy, Compassion, and Unconditional Love. She is the most beloved of the Chinese goddesses and is regarded by many as the protector of women and children, and champion of the unfortunate. It is also associated with Cupra, the Etruscan Fertility Goddess; Fidais, the Celtic Goddess of the Hunt; Tara, the Buddhist “Savioress” Goddess; Brigit, the Irish Goddess of Fertility; and Dione, the Phoenician Earth Goddess. As a green gem, it honours Persephone, the Greek Goddess of Spring and represents celebration and the Earth alive with new growth.
Rose Quartz & Hematite (4mm beads)
The mixed power of rose quartz and hematite protects and heals the heart while grounding and protecting the soul.
The soft pink emanations of Rose Quartz comforts and heals any wounds the heart has suffered, penetrating the inner chambers of the Heart Chakra where emotional experiences are recorded and stored. It dissolves the sorrows, worries, fears and resentments suppressing the heart's ability to give and receive love, and replaces it with healing, comfort and inner nourishment. A deep sense of personal fulfilment and energy forms a new foundation where inner peace and contentment can become a personal reality. Hematite is a has a lovely calming comforting and grounding energy that can be beneficial during times of distress. Hematite stones are said to embody both the yin and the yang energies... the male and the female energy, which require being in balance for good health and are very beneficial to remedy yin imbalances in your system. Helpful to aid you to let go of negativity and feel more at peace.
Each bracelet is made up of gemstone beads measuring around 4 to 6mm in diameter depending on crystal, threaded on an elasticated cord (measuring around 19cm in diameter without stretch)
Amazonite (Chips): Associated with - Throat (3rd) and when particularly green in tone the Heart (4th) Chakra.
Keywords: Good luck, Calming, Soothing, Courage, Truth, Communication
Has the ability to clear psychic debris, dissolve negative thoughts and brings about interactions between intellect and intuition. When used in meditation it can provide clarity and truth to situations by promoting communication, especially when we need to move beyond fear and judgement by means to express ourselves. It is great for stress by removing toxic emotions. Reveals truths about our inner-selves, moves anger and irritability we may feel in a more positive direction. Can assist with dream manifestation when close by or under a pillow when we sleep. May help to access distant memories (incl. past lives) and ancestral energies.
Ametrine (Chips): Associated with the Solar Plexus (3rd) and Crown (7th) Chakras.
This quartzite crystal is a mixture of amethyst and citrine, both of which raise the vibrations of each other. It helps to enhance mental and spiritual clarity, while at the same time uniting masculine and feminine energies. so like all quartz, is a strong amplifier of energy. They have within them the vibration of Citrine Crystals, which is the energy of the solar plexus chakra and the 'will'. When you combine this vibration with the 'knowing' from the crown chakra via the Amethyst Crystals energy, the resulting mixture is a powerful energetic vibration. This is a beneficial crystal for professional healers. It enables the healer to make decisions based on higher guidance, and aligned with Divine Will. It will clear stress and tension from the head, and will bring excess energy down into the physical for use or release. It is easy and useful to keep a piece of this crystal within your aura, for as long as possible during each day.
Angelite (Chips) : Associated with the Throat/Third Eye/Crown Chakra (5th/6th/7th)
Keywords: Steadiness, Coolness, Attentiveness
Promotes peacefulness and silence during meditative states. Enhances or awakens psychic intuition and contact with higher realms. Soothing for emotional confusion.
Black Obsidian (Chips) - Associated with the Root (1st) Chakra
Keywords: Grounding, Reflecting, Hex-breaking, Protection
Reveals hidden or lost objects. When used as a meditation tool is said to reveal hidden issues by encouraging inner work and release of negative emotions that no longer serve. Used in shadow work, confront your shadow self and enter the realm of darkness, it creates space for a deep spiritual cleanse. A grounding stone used to rebalancing and cleanse, it can be a powerful cleanser for the smog that builds up in your aura allowing space to also stimulate your gift of prophecy or foresight. When used in magickal workings is said to protect from negative energies and influence. Can be used in reversal hex’s or breaking negative spells set by others.
Clear Quartz (Chips) - Associated with - All Chakra's, but especially the Crown (1st)Element - Storm
Keywords: Brightening, Organising, Amplifying
A master healer. this crystal has the advantage of being all colours (due to its prism nature), therefore can be used if a certain crystal is called for in a working and you don't have it available - the clear quartz makes an excellent stand in, just power it with the right intention. As a clear crystal, it is easy to imagine why it is so good at bringing clarity, sharpness to thoughts. This crystal can also amplify other gems energies if placed in its vicinity. It is very often used in divination and scrying. Use in meditation to bring spiritual peace and accessing spirit worlds.
Carnelian Chips - Associated with the Sacral (2nd) Chakra
Element - Fire
Zodiac Sign Aries, Leo & Virgo
Planet Sun
Keywords: Leadership, Courage, Ambition, Creativity
A “feel better” stone, it releases emotions such as fear or anger and acts as a stabiliser. Boosts self esteem and motivation. Helps reduce indecision by aiding focus on which direction to head. Can assist with cleansing other gems and crystals.
Fluorite (Chips): Associated with the Heart (4th), Throat (5th) & Third Eye (6th) Chakras
Zodiac Signs: Capricorn & Pisces
Elements: Air & Water
Keywords: Intellect, Cleansing, Truth, Creativity, Lucid Dreams
It’s name comes from the Latin word fluor, meaning “flow,” but today, it is used to describe the crystal’s fluorescence – its ability to glow under ultraviolet light. When used in meditation, crystal healing or just by having close by it ushers in a new dimension of beauty and harmony into your life and is the representation of spiritual sensitivity. Fluorite is an aura cleanser and stabilises it by absorbing and neutralising negative energies, stress and is protective in psychic endeavours. Fluorite’s energy assists in dreaming and acts as a guide to your dreams making them more vivid and easier to remember when you wake. Also known as the Stone of Genius, proves itself as an excellent learning aid by increasing concentration, self-confidence and assists in decision-making. It promotes better thoughts by activating both hemispheres of the brain, bringing forth a flourish of activity, creativity and ingenuity. Promotes positivity and aids the balance of energies.
Kunzite (Chips) is a beautiful crystal, pure in energy and joyful in nature. In palest pink to light violet hues, it is a Stone of Emotion, opening and connecting the heart to the mind and stimulating a healing communion between the two. Pink Kunzite is often called the Woman's Stone. It is particularly supportive for a young or first-time mother and for all single mothers. Kunzite is an ideal crystal for children having a hard time adjusting to and functioning in life. Its soft pink ray will bring comfort, and cleanse any auric shadows that may have accumulated from negative vibrations or situations. It is also a beneficial stone for star children or walk-ins to help them adjust to earth plane environments and energy. The soothing power of Kunzite calms nervousness during an examination, interview or assessment, and is useful in situations where you cannot show irritation. Kunzite may be beneficial in treating hormone-linked migraines, the reproductive system in women, puberty in girls, PMS, and menstrual problems. Kunzite strengthens the circulatory system and the heart muscle, and is helpful in treating neuralgia, calming epilepsy and soothing joint pain. It enhances the treatment of depression and psychiatric disorders, and assists the physical body in recovering from emotional stress. It releases loving pink energy, activating the Heart Chakra, and aligns it with the light violet energy of the mind, the Crown Chakra. As a protective stone, it dispels negativity and raises a shield around the aura against unwanted entities and outside influences. It provides a centering influence in all situations, allowing one to remain calm and focused, even in the midst of a crowd
Labradorite (Chips) - Associated with the Throat (5th) Chakra (linking also with the Third Eye 6th Chakra.
Element of Water
Signs: Scorpio, Leo, Sagittarius
Keywords: Openness, Flexibility, Protection, Transformation, Opening, Spiritual exploration, Magick, Shielding, Clairvoyance, Spirit’s
Stone of the New Moon, great for setting intentions for new beginnings. Its iridescence acts as a shield and strengthens our own to protect a persons aura, especially if near emotional or psychic "vampires" which can drain energy reserves, but also balances this conflicting energy over time. Allows focus on personal issues without interference from external influence. Embracement of new ideas and opportunity, whilst releasing fears or insecurities of an overactive mind. Shifting of awareness outside our normal range to increase psychic awareness for clairvoyance, telepathy, communication with guides, psychic reading. Lore of the Inuit peoples claim Labradorite fell from the frozen fire of the Aurora Borealis, an ordinary stone that transforms to the extraordinary, shimmering in a mystical light that separates the waking world from unseen realms. It is, in every sense, a Stone of Magic, a crystal of shamans, diviners, healers, and all who travel and embrace the universe seeking knowledge and guidance. It creates a shielding force throughout the aura and strengthening natural energies from within. It protects against the negativity and misfortunes of this world, and provides safe exploration into alternate levels of consciousness. Wearing or carrying Labradorite allows one's innate magical powers to surface. It enhances the mental and intuitive abilities of clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy and coincidence control, and assists in communication with higher guides and spirits in accessing Akashic records, psychic readings and past-life recall. It provides an ease in moving between the worlds, and permits a safe and grounded return to the present. Used to align the throat chakra, labradorite stimulates stronger psychic communication abilities and within the third eye chakra, works to enhance both telepathic and prophetic gifts.
Moonstone (Chips) : Associated with the Third Eye/ Brow (5th) and Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakras.
June birthstone.
Zodiac sign: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Any associated with the Moon and change such as; Diana, Selene, Hanwi, Nyx, Cerridwen.
Keywords: Wisdom, Psychic Pursuits, Goddess Work, Fertility, Intuition
Moonstone has been a tangible connection to the magic of the moon - an amulet of protection for travelers, a gift of lovers for passion, a channel for prophecy, and a path to wisdom. As the moon waxes and wanes it helps us to attune to cycles of change. A feminine energy crystal is highly associated with Goddess work. Harnesses the energy of the moon and water. Associated with fertility, flow and growth. A great balancing and emotional stabiliser during times of uncertainty and change, encourages empathy. Enhances intuition. Supercharge this crystal with the Full Moon.
Sodalite (Chips) - Associated with Throat (3rd) and Brow (2nd) Chakras
Keywords: Quietening, Stabilising, Calming, Peace, Contact, Meditation
Clears mental confusion by providing objectivity and rational thinking, clearing the way for new information. When used on the throat chakra may assist with improving communication and contact with others. Used on the brow (3rd eye) chakra during meditation, it can assist in increasing awareness and clarifies perceptions, bringing about wisdom and insight. A mood stabiliser, this cool calming stone may dampen angry or irritable moods.
Snowflake Obsidian: Associated with the Base/Root (1st) Chakra.
Keywords: Balance, Purification,Transformation, Fulfilment, Manifestation, Practicality, Psychic ability
A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian provides balance for body, mind and spirit. It assists with drawing emotions to the surface, these emotional releases will be “hot” at first, but will eventually “cool” down. This sense of newly found calm will bring you tranquility and the grounding you need to start a fresh beginning. With generic healing properties of obsidian, Snowflake Obsidian is calming and soothing. It helps you recognise and release “wrong thinking” and stressful mental patterns by promoting dispassion and inner centring. An empowering stone when isolation and loneliness (aka peace & quiet!) is required, which aides surrender in meditation. Snowflake Obsidian will help you achieve a clearer and more logical way of thinking, allowing you to grasp new concepts, retain new information, and remember important things. A very protective stone, wearing it will give you a sense of security and stability, charge it to block and protect you from negative energies that want to enter your life. When it comes to wealth and abundance, Snowflake Obsidian will remind you of the importance of perseverance and determination.
Unakite (Chips): - Associated with Heart (4th) Chakra
Keywords: Perspective, Balance, Self-worth, Nurturing
Pink balances sense of self, helping to release emotional stress and the green allows expansion and growth. Promotes balance and calm in matters of the heart, allowing for resolution of conflict. During meditation may help with detaching from our past life difficulties. Allows us to better look at life, issues and accomplishments to move us forward and reduce constrictions placed on our life. Placed on the Third Eye (Brow) Chakra, it can assist visualisation and encourages psychic vision. It may also be used as a casting crystal for scrying, signifying where compromise and integration are needed.
Rhodonite (Chips): - Keywords: Communication, Motivation, Passion, Resonance, Compassion
When needs have to be met, rhodonite can help them manifest. Associated quite often with sympathetic magick, it may be used in healing spells for others. In mantric meditation, effectiveness and sensitivity is increased when using this gem. Assists with reducing negativity, confusion and may dispel negative mind states. As you use this stone, you may find your emotions direct your goals. Brings support during times of transition, enables expression of strong emotions (make ourselves heard and facilitation of mutual understandings).
Magnetic Hematite Chunky Bracelet: This double banded bracelet has chunky magnetic hematite beads threaded onto an elasticated cord. Magnetism has been used to dispel pain in arthritic conditions and pain relief. With its grounding and protective energies, it binds you to Earth (it’s elemental attribute) and is associated with the Root Chakra (1st). Magnetic Hematite considered to have healing properties because of it's high iron content and said to aid the kidneys, speed tissue regeneration and contribute to overall well being. Magnetic Hematite Beads can be effective in relieving pain as it maintains the charge of nerve cells and regulates the blood flow around the body. Hematite also helps to absorb negative energy and calms in times of stress or worry. Using hematite stone can help your thoughts stay more focused, balanced, and clear. The more focused and balanced your thoughts are, the higher your communication skills and self-esteem. The stone is said to assist in pain relief to get rid of headaches, fevers, leg cramps, spinal pains, pains from fractures, and all other types of pains and has been used in this way since ancient Egyptian times.
Hematite belongs to the planet of Mars, the god of war, the god of the battlefield. Therefore it is a stone of invincibility on all levels – physical, astral, and mental. Although a warrior stone, it is also very fragile in nature. And thus paradoxically, it looks to be nurtured and cared for by its owner.
Howlite Skull Bracelets: For those who like to add a little gothic inspired “je ne sais quoi” to their outfits, these funky little Howlite skulls come on an elastisticated cord. As Samhain is around the corner, these creative little skulls are the ideal accessory for honouring the past, or use as worry beads as you rotate them between your fingers for added sense of calm.
Whilst also looking funky, these also add a little crystal healing to the mix, soft, soothing, and ever ready to tempt you back off the emotional ledge, Howlite is all about tempering the storm. Howlite with its highly attuned every and the purist snow-white colour scheme oozes compassion and sensitivity, while the black helps to ground and remove negative thoughts or energy. Whether by name or nature, it’s a healing crystal that seems to be gifted in the spiritual department. A stone of patience and perspective, it is ideal for those who feel they need to slow it down, absorb, and clear the constant stream of chatter from the mind, it’s a crystal that marries you to a more mindful way of life. A highly competent cleanser of negative energy, Howlite is here to mop up bad vibes and keep you connected with higher realms and on the path to purpose.
Come in natural white or dyed black.
Autumn Tumble Bracelet: Amazonite, Unakite and Carnelian...what’s not to love about this one. Unakite for the heart, carnelian to bring a little fire and cooling Amazonite..all to bring about balance. Great little add for your winter accessorising.