California White Sage - These smudging items are made from the silver-white leaves of the Salvia apiana plant which is native to the coast of California. Considered to be a sacred herb, it is often used during purification ceremonies and to provide a positive vibe to your space. Often used for clearing away negative energies and attracting the positive. Smudge or burn sage when you require knowledge/ guidance in difficult decisions. These can also be used to cleanse crystals to rid them of absorbed energies, by passing each crystal through the smoke.
To use place smudge stick in a fireproof, non-flammable bowl or shell. Light the bulb (may take a few attempts) and blow to create smoky embers. If the smudge stick produces a flame, lightly dampen the flame off in your receptacle until it just smokes. Then when it is producing smoke, waft the smoke around your space to cleanse. It is always best to set an intention whilst smudging and cleansing to increase the effect.
Use the loose leaf in incense mixes or burn in cast metal cauldron or incense censer on top of a charcoal disc (also available on the website).
Correspondences: Jupiter, Air/Earth
Magical Properties: Cleansing, Home blessings, Redemption, Prosperity, Wisdom, Luck, Wisdom
Sage Smudge Sticks are approx 4" in length with the bulb measuring 3".
Californian White Sage & Sinuata: Beautifully bundled and pleasing to the senses, this bundle is perfect for cleansing your space and starting your day off right! White Sage is often used for purification rituals and for cleansing your space and self of negativity. These typical energies become even more potent when paired with the style and grace of roses, daisies, and carnations. The energy of the Sinuata flower is linked to remembrance, friendliness and success and in this case the violet color to royalty, beauty, extravagance, nobility, fantasy, mystery, charm and grace. If you want to work on any of these feelings in you or others, this is the ideal flower to have alongside your sage. These bundles measure approximately 4”. Purple sinuata cleanses and invokes the energies of enchantment, charm, and grace.
Black Sage: Salvia Mellifera, also known as black sage, is a well-known and widely used product among indigenous people of Central America, also known as the Natives, especially in shamanism. It is part of the purification ceremonies where these spicy plants are smoldered and their holy smoke is released. It stimulates the gain of visions and expels negative energy as well as bad entities. Scientific research has even shown that 94% of the bacteria in the room have been broken down after burning this herb. So black sage is a purification method that also changes your state of consciousness. It is produced from the Artemisia vulgaris plant, which grows on the coast of Mexico and California. Sage has a sharp, very pungent smell, to be described as spicy.
Californian White Sage & Lavender: This sage is of superior quality and comes from a native American reserve in California, where they harvest the sage in a totally traditional and in environmentally friendly way. While the white sage cleanses and clears, the addition of lavender promotes peace and calm. A good one to burn if your household has been fractious of late, or if you want to bring about a balance to your abode.
Californian White Sage & Rose: Bring sweetness, love and hope with these white sage and rose petal smudges. The rose is well known in spells related to love, not just the interactional “he will be mine” kinda vibe, but also a love we need to find within ourselves; for ourselves. There are times when we lack the self-love we need, depleting our confidence and creating a hun-drum sense of self. Use as a pick me up during these times to remind yourself of just how wonderful you are! Also useful for bringing about contentment and love within your space.
Californian White Sage & Sweetgrass: This sage is of superior quality and comes from a native American reserve in California, where they harvest the sage in a totally traditional and an environmentally friendly way. Sweetgrass’ fragrance is considered to instill a sense of calm and relaxation. It is a symbolic gesture towards love, peace, harmony, strength, purity, positivity and connection to Mother Earth. Indigenous tribes of North America have been using sweetgrass for various things through the centuries, from healing to making braids as protective talismans. Useful for healing/talking circles, burning as offering to your matriarch goddesses, finding peace within oneself and protecting your aura.
Cedar Ropes: The Himalayan Cedar has been extracted from the wood of Cedar tree, which is found in Himalayan Regions of Nepal. The common Nepali name for this Himalayan Cedar is Dhup, which is used for incense either in homes or in stupas and temples. This type of Dhup is typical in the Newar community and almost each and every Newar home uses it. Cedar is often used for clearing and purifying your sacred spaces too. In this sense it can be used in banishment magick, protection charms, spells, rituals and incenses. Used in ancient times as an offertory incense. When it comes to spirits, it can be used to assist in the summoning of wanted spirits - those you wish to contact such as an ancestor of spirit guide and can be used in these invocations and evocations. Cedar is planted alongside Yew trees around grave sites in olde lore, to prevent the spirits of the dead from leaving the hallowed ground. So burn this fragrant wood rope around your circle to stop any unwanted spirits or energies from causing bother to you as you work. It is a tree that lives for a very long time, so is associated with longevity - so useful for those spells requiring a longer time period and adds power to those intentions. Used at your altar while creating love spells, burn in money magick to enhance the effect, combine with other herbs of money such as patchouli or jasmine, or add to money spell jars. As with the essential oil, Cedar can be used to heighten your psychic abilities and to tap into the ancient ways.
Each cedar bundle contains 50 incense ropes, each about 11cm long, with a burn time of approximately 15min.
Cautions: Ritual or medicinal use of Sage may intensify the sedative effects of some medications. Avoid during pregnancy. All smudge sticks are sold individually.