I’ve been wanting to stock these for a while, but sone are über expensive, so when I came across these at a relatively reasonable price I thought I would give them a trial run. Granted, not the cheapest thing on the website, ad they are quite dear to buy, but wanted to be able to give an opportunity for you guys to give them a go, if you haven’t got one already…or maybe you have but want to expand the collection! This comes as a complete collection…singing bowl, cushion, striking hammer and mala beads so is a great value starter kit! A great (dare I say it) Chrimble or birthday gift, or maybe you’re interested in starting out with singing bowls a fab little beginners kit.
So what are singing bowls?
Singing bowls (also known as Himalayan bowls or Tibetan singing bowls) are a type of bell that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played which are said to promote relaxation and offer powerful healing properties.
These ancient, multi-harmonic instruments are often linked with Buddhism or other spiritual practices due to their use within meditation practices
Nowadays they are increasingly popular for use in sound therapy, spiritual healing sessions and meditation groups.Some use to treat anxiety disorders, depression, and even post-traumatic stress disorder, with the vibrations working throughout our bodies massaging, cleansing, and purifying, while producing a calm meditative state. Not only for oneself, but as a witchy it can be used to clear your space of negative energies- just like ringing a bell, or clapping your hands.
How to Use
Now, singing bowls can take a little practice!
You can hold to bowl in the flat palm of your hand, just remember to remove jewellery such as rings or bracelets so they don’t “chatter” against the bowl as it resonates. Or place on the small cushion, which is a handy way to hold it in place if using it for meditations as you create resonate sounds.
There are a few ways to start off with, you can use the striking method - which as the name might suggest involves gently hitting the side of the bowl and letting it ring out. This proves quite useful for clearing your space of unwanted energies prior to meditation or magickal workings. Holding it in your flat palm can be a good way to hold it as you wander through your space.
Much like running your finger around the rim of a wine glass, the singing bowl can produce sounds by running the soft portion of mallet around the inside or the rim, outside of the rim or around the bowl sides. This creates a resonate, constant sound which can be controlled by the applied pressure of the mallet. So pitch and volume can be determined by the amount of pressure you apply. Apply an even pressure to prevent your bowl from “chattering” which can produce wonky, uneven sounds that you might not find too relaxing!
This brass singing bowl measures 12.5cm in diameter, decorated with black enamelling with script design to the outside and features a delightful mystical tree design within. Comes with a foam topped mallet, satin cushion and mala beads.