These crystal infused and herb scented candles make a great gift. From connecting with energies of the moon cycles with the Full Moon or New Moon candles, to manifesting with Abundance, Gratitude and Positivity.
Each candle is scented and has corresponding crystals (see below)
NEW MOON: Infused with clear quartz and scented with wild orange. A new moon (some forget it is as powerful as the full moon) for setting goals and manifesting in time for the full moon. A time for new beginnings, renewal of spirit or changing up your ideas. Wild orange is used to inspire creativity and joy, which is useful for when you are figuring your goals - plus being uplifting in its scent raises your vibe. Clear quartz can set the tone, a powerful energy amplifier of energy, is useful for setting the way for your goals, dreams and desires.
A yellow frosted glass holder and metallic lid are accented by a scattering of clear quartz crystal chips that can later be reused for a multitude of spiritual and decorative purposes.
FULL MOON: Infused with tigers eye and scented with eucalyptus. Scott Cunningham attributes the scent of eucalyptus to the moon, as is used to enhance dreaming. It is a scent to create gentle barriers and is softly cleansing, great for clearing the way for high vibe full moon manifesting as it creates a shielded path. Tigers eye links with the solar plexus chakra and is said to improve focus, will and personal power.
A beige frosted glass holder and metallic lid are accented by a scattering of Tiger's Eye crystal chips that can later be reused for a multitude of spiritual and decorative purposes.
GRATITUDE: Infused with rose quartz and scented with wild rose. Whether we need a little stable energy to appreciate what we already possess, finding a little self gratitude and love or for giving as a gift for someone who has helped you out. This candle is perfect for home or calming space. Rose Quartz links with the heart chakra, to allow serenity, positivity and compassion. As does rose, which helps to lift one’s mood and brings in a loving kindness within oneself and others.
A pink frosted glass holder and metallic lid are accented by a scattering of rose quartz crystal chips that can later be reused for a multitude of spiritual purposes.
POSITIVITY: Infused with clear quartz and scented with white sage. Not only fab for raising more positive vibes, white sage is used for cleansing spaces too which brings about balance. The clear quartz is one for spiritual growth and healing, again providing balance but also amplifying the positive energy released.
A blue frosted glass holder and metallic lid are accented by a scattering of clear quartz crystal chips that can later be reused for a multitude of spiritual purposes.
ABUNDANCE: infused with amethyst crystals and lavender scented, use as a manifestation candle to bring about abundance in any form. It is often forgotten that the colour purple is not only linked with insight but also wealth. In more ancient times purple was used to distinguish wealth, which is why Emperors, Kings and Queens wore it as the purple dye for clothing was expensive. Amethyst is sometimes used to attract wealth and prosperity into your life. Some sources suggest Lavender assists with gaining wealth, assists with making the right intuitive decisions and attracts customers. A feng shui oil for promoting wealth and prosperity.
A purple frosted glass holder and metallic lid are accented by a scattering of amethyst crystal chips that can later be reused for a multitude of spiritual purposes.
Paraffin wax. Crystals will release from wax with use. Approximate burn time of 25 hours. Please practice caution when burning and never leave lit candle unattended.