These fab little points can be added to your favourite chain for a little crystal healing boost you can wear throughout the day. Why not add one of the waxed cord necklaces now available to your basket so you can pop your new crystally pendant on, so you can wear straight away?
Amethyst: Associated with - Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th), Etheric (8th–14th) Chakras.
Element - Wind/Air
Birthstone - February
Zodiac Signs - Pisces, Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius
Keywords: Trust, Intuition, Spirituality, Protection, Abundance, Tranquilising
A super "master" healer, amethyst purifies the mind and assists removing negative thoughts. When used in meditation can reduce stress (especially worked related) and anxiety. It has been used for opening and improving psychic ability (clairvoyance), spiritual expansion and increased potential. Many use it for relief of insomnia when placed under a pillow. Brings spiritual harmony to mind, body and soul. A protective stone against negative energies, it can ward from psychic attack and especially useful if empathic as it assists with grounding energy when in your vicinity. As it transmutes energies from negative to positive it can also cleanse your other crystals.
Aventurine - Associated with the Heart (4th) Chakra
Element - Earth
Birthstone Month - August
Zodiac Sign - Libra & Virgo
Keywords: Prosperity, Calming, Luck, Leadership, Independence, Opportunity, Vision
Green Aventurine is a positive stone of prosperity. It helps mental healing and protects against electromagnetic pollution that can be created through everyday electronic devices. As it assists in mental healing, it is a good crystal to calm anger and irritation. Carry it with you for luck, affirm it with “Luck follows me everywhere”.
Black Tourmaline: Carry this protective stone with you no matter where you go! Ideal for adding to a chain or thong, or even popping on a key chain! Black tourmaline keeps the negative away, ok so it may not be a deterrent for people but it’ll help guard you from their energy.
Associated with - Root Chakra (1st)
Element - Associated with Earth
Also known as - Schorl, "Stone of Protection”
Birthstone Month - October
Zodiac Sign - Libra
Keywords: Protection, Grounding, Strengthening, Earthly Energy
A particularly useful stone for use in magickal working due to its protective and grounding nature. It can encourage well defined actions, whilst providing protection from harmful energies. During meditation it can assist in grounding energies, dissolving blockages; especially useful if empathic ability leaves you exhausted. Also aligns subtle bodies and chakra, correcting energy levels. Magickal workings can use it for deflecting back any negativity to its source. Wear for protection against negative influences and energies.
Clear Quartz - Associated with - All Chakra's, but especially the Crown (1st)
Element - Storm
Keywords: Brightening, Organising, Amplifying
A master healer. this crystal has the advantage of being all colours (due to its prism nature), therefore can be used if a certain crystal is called for in a working and you don't have it available - the clear quartz makes an excellent stand in, just power it with the right intention. As a clear crystal, it is easy to imagine why it is so good at bringing clarity, sharpness to thoughts. This crystal can also amplify other gems energies if placed in its vicinity. It is very often used in divination and scrying. Use in meditation to bring spiritual peace and accessing spirit worlds.
Selenite: Selenite is yet another fave of mine, appearing to hold moonbeams within its very essence, hardly surprising then it is named after the Goddess Selene!
This crystal operates at a high frequency. Selenite is can be used as a means to clear negative energies and assist with purifying emotions, which often used in this way by spiritual wellness. The name selenite is derived from the Greek name for the Moon goddess Selene, because of it’s colour and property (like moonlight) and is associated with the birth sign Taurus.
These highly vibrational crystals assist in delivering mind clarity by removing negative energy from the aura (physical and etheric body). Beneficial for relieving anxiety or stress when held next to the heart during meditation. Selenite crystal is very reflective of light taking on the attributes of the moon and could be used to celebrate your moon goddesses. Selenite forms can channel energy directly to where is needed and make great healing tools. Could be used for ritual or spell work also.
Rose Quartz: A soulfully nourishing gemstone, brings a little peace and love to the soul. Associated with Heart (4th) Chakra
Element - Water,
Birthstone Month - January
Zodiac Sign - Taurus.
Keywords: Calming, Peaceful, Love, Emotion, Release
Symbol of love (relative to Roman belief systems) as in myth is the blood of Adonis and Aphrodite, this crystal may assist in opening the heart chakra. Assists in release of emotional stress ( best to use with grounding stones as reaction can be quite powerful). Uncovers issues towards negative behaviours towards your own self image, uncovers your inner beauty. Inspires feelings of love or friendships, which is why this tends to be used as a relationship stone. Try meditations with this crystal to open your heart or heal from a heartache, whether it be through a break-up or parting of a loved one. A soft and gentle self-love stone, when worn reminds you of your worth.
Each stone and pendant varies in size, width and length, the pictures show a representative example of the ones that will be sent out. Silver plated pendant bail so you can add to your fave necklace. Measures anywhere between 3.5cm and 4cm in length - as a natural tumble stone item size, shade and shape may differ slightly for each pendant.
Chunky pendants have a slightly thicker gemstone with a circumference roughly 5cm and a length of about 4cm long.
The slim points have a circumference ranging roughly about 1.5cm.
Wand points have a length of around 4cm from top of the bail to tip.
Waxed cords measure 18”/20” dependent on the size you choose, each size features an extension chain.