Crystals have for many years been used in healing and magickal purposes. These forms may be used during your holistic healing regimes, meditation or magick and ritual work. The mini Mountains may be used for Magick, healing, altar decoration and meditation, this crystal operates at a high frequency. Selenite can be used as a means to clear negative energies and assist with purifying emotions, which often used in this way by spiritual wellness. The name selenite is derived from the Greek name for the Moon goddess Selene, because of it’s colour and property (like moonlight) and is associated with the birth sign Taurus.
These highly vibrational crystals assist in delivering mind clarity by removing negative energy from the aura (physical and etheric body). Beneficial for relieving anxiety or stress when held next to the heart during meditation. Selenite crystal is very reflective of light taking on the attributes of the moon and could be used to celebrate your moon goddesses. Selenite forms can channel energy directly to where is needed and make great healing tools. Could be used for ritual or spell work also.
Selenite Mountain Tea Light Holders imbue a sense of relaxation when a candle is lit within them. Just as the Moon, they throw off a gorgeous light which is sure to energise your space with all things positive. Use as an altar decoration (perhaps in honour of Selene herself or whichever Goddess you choose). Use as a means to conduct flame gazing or during Magick work.
Selenite does not ordinarily require cleansing, but perhaps refreshed with use of the sun or by a full moon, smudging may also prove useful as I believe most crystals of this nature require a bit of a boost now and then. Selenite holds the power to charge all your crystals, perhaps lay your bracelets over a blade or use the charging plate when your crystals need a bit of cleansing and clearing!
Of course do not submerge this crystal in water as it will dissolve! As these are made from natural crystal, the colour or size might vary slightly.
Orange Selenite:
Orange selenite’s properties include assisting with creating peaceful spiritual practices, helping you heal and nurture your spiritual self, and remain grounded with a high vibration, while releasing you from negative ideas and beliefs. Orange selenite is completely natural and derives its colour from impurities of hematite, which is a mineral consisting of ferric oxide. Orange selenite’s beneficial energies can support you emotionally, helping you to let go of old emotional wounds. It also has the power to boost self-esteem, and reduce stress and anxiety.
With its amazing purifying and cleansing properties and its ability to connect you to a higher place, orange selenite is the perfect crystal to help you when you are meditating. Spiritual healers advise holding a selenite stone while meditating to clear the mind and actively restore your energy field.
Selenite Healing Wands -Spiral & Straight: Measure approximately 16cm long x 2cm diameter.
Selenite Palm Stones vary slightly due to the nature of the stone, but measure approximately 70mm x 55mmx 25mm. Engraved palm stones feature an etching of specific design (as available).
Selenite bowls measure between 7cm to 8cm diameter.
Engraved flat wands measure approximately 200mm x 35mm x 10mm
Selenite Mountains measure approximately H:10cm W:3.5cm D:3.5cm
Selenite Tea Light Holders measure approximately 10-15cm high
Selenite Spirals measure approximately 10 cm high.
Selenite Hearts measure approximately 4.5cm wide.
Large Selenite blades measure approximately 30cm in length, width varies slightly
Small Selenite blades measure approximately 10cm in length, width varies slightly
Blank Charging Plates measure approximately 7cm diameter and 1.5cm depth.
Engraved Charging Plates measure approximately 7cm in diameter and 2cm depth (Feature engraved design as available)
Selenite Spheres measure approximately 50mm and 70mm in diameter.
Smooth Selenite Candle Holder: H: 8cm W:7.5cm D:7.5cm