Instil a little peace and calm to your abode with these sacred tree oil burners available in two natural looking colours; teal bLuke/green and beige. Designed with a sacred tree and flower inspired oil/water bowl these would look fab in any pagan or witchy home, or even one that doesn’t have an altar 😋 - honouring the wonders of the sacred tree. Trees have; throughout history provided humans with firewood, fruits, shelter, a place to worship (think Druids and other paganistic beliefs) - not to mention assists with creating the oxygen we breathe! They are the life force of the planet, with roots that hold them steady, drawing from the Earth just what they need, renewing and restoring the equilibrium. Many cultures honour trees as part of their practice - such as the Nordic Yggdrasil (World Tree) or the mighty Oak King, plus many more across the globe that hold mysticism, myth and magick.
Add two to three drops of your favourite fragrance or essential oil to the bowl, add a little water, pop your tea light underneath, light and walah! Your senses will embrace the soft glow of the candle whilst your nose gets a treat. Fab for lighting during your meditations, scenting your home or working a little magick into the everyday.
There are quite a few fragrance oils available on this little website, from mystically inspired to more natural scents and can be found in the By Candlelight and Burner section of the website.
Measures approximately: H 11xm x W 10cm x D 10cm. Made from ceramic, with either a teal blue/ green (the photo shows it as more green, however has a heavy blue undertone) or beige coloured glaze. Comes in a labelled box.