These lovely wands are hand crafted featuring a twisted teakwood staff and crystal tip to direct those energies. I have waited for ages to be able to purchase these particular ones and I love them- I hope you do too?! I have priced these as reasonable as possible as they cost a smidge to purchase anyway, but want you guys to be able to afford them too!
These may be used for alternative healing during crystal therapy sessions, energy placements or as a good ole’ fashioned wand for your altar. Wands are used to direct energies, cast spells, drawing sigils in the air and used as ritual pieces. Wands are associated with the element of air, which is East on your altar and may be used for invoking Goddess/ God during your workings. The wood itself is said to have mystical and healing properties (see below) and when teamed with crystals, enhances the effects. Choose a crystal that you think looks pretty or for the attributes they possess, either way these are reeeeeaaaalllly nice wands to own.
Teakwood: Is a feminine wood, holding the attributes of the element of water. An ideal companion for this wand is someone who is creative and in touch with the natural world. Although it holds feminine qualities, it is a powerful aid in defensive or protective magick, almost crone like in this sense. As an extremely hardy wood, it may be used to assist in perseverance magick, bringing successes over a period of time. In some parts of the world, it is revered by indigenous people for its healing qualities and the mystical properties of the khodam spirit which resides in the sacred tree. Teak wood emits auspicious energies and blessings. Used in alternative/holistic therapies for gut issues, migraines & headaches whilst the natural scent brings calm and peace to ones mind.
Amethyst: Associated with - Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th), Etheric (8th–14th) Chakras.
Element - Wind
Birthstone - February
Zodiac Signs - Pisces, Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius
Keywords: Trust, Intuition, Spirituality, Protection, Abundance, Tranquilising
A super "master" healer, amethyst purifies the mind and assists removing negative thoughts. When used in meditation can reduce stress (especially worked related) and anxiety. It has been used for opening and improving psychic ability (clairvoyance), spiritual expansion and increased potential. Many use it for relief of insomnia when placed under a pillow. Brings spiritual harmony to mind, body and soul. A protective stone against negative energies, it can ward from psychic attack and especially useful if empathic as it assists with grounding energy when in your vicinity. As it transmutes energies from negative to positive it can also cleanse your other crystals.
Rose Quartz - Associated with Heart (4th) Chakra
Element - Water,
Birthstone Month - January
Zodiac Sign - Taurus.
Keywords: Calming, Peaceful, Love, Emotion, Release
Symbol of love (relative to Roman belief systems) as in myth is the blood of Adonis and Aphrodite, this crystal may assist in opening the heart chakra. Assists in release of emotional stress ( best to use with grounding stones as reaction can be quite powerful). Uncovers issues towards negative behaviours towards your own self image, uncovers your inner beauty. Inspires feelings of love or friendships, which is why this tends to be used as a relationship stone. Try meditations with this crystal to open your heart or heal from a heartache, whether it be through a break-up or parting of a loved one.
Clear Quartz- Associated with - All Chakra's, but especially the Crown (1st)
Element - Storm
Keywords: Brightening, Organising, Amplifying
A master healer. this crystal has the advantage of being all colours (due to its prism nature), therefore can be used if a certain crystal is called for in a working and you don't have it available - the clear quartz makes an excellent stand in, just power it with the right intention. As a clear crystal, it is easy to imagine why it is so good at bringing clarity, sharpness to thoughts. This crystal can also amplify other gems energies if placed in its vicinity. It is very often used in divination and scrying. Use in meditation to bring spiritual peace and accessing spirit worlds. As a clear crystal, it is easy to imagine why it is so good at bringing clarity and sharpness to thoughts.
Tigers Eye - Associated with the Solar Plexus (4th) Chakra
Keywords: Abundance, Amplification of psychic ability, Encourage, Empower, Vitality
This gemstone resonates with a vibration to clear and activate the solar plexus chakra, to bring joy into your life and to be able to enjoy life. Thought to bring luck to the possessor, being able to clear the way for creative attributes, to open doors and encourage the way forward. Allows you to focus between reality and dream states to create your own path. Great for use in prosperity Magick or to focus creative energies.
Each is decorated with metal detail and has a crystal point tip and a corresponding sphere at the top end - click on the picture for the full image. Design may vary slightly to the picture as they are handmade, stones and wooden shaft will vary in size due to being natural materials, but the overall length ranges between 23cm -26cm.