Tinkle, tinkle! Howabouts a lovely brass chime to hang about your house or by your altar?! Handmade in India, these feature a variety of mystical or astrological central decoration, with tinkly bells (to rid and ward away negative energies) and glass bead accents. Hang by your door and allow the dinky, tinkly bells chime away any bad vibes! Whether you are openly witchy or in the “broom closet”, love the magick of the moon and stars there is a few to choose from. These are handmade in India, using recycled brass which has been melted down and used to create these rustic pieces.
Pentacle: The pentacle is probably one of the most recognisable of the symbols, the five pointed star representing all four elements and spirit/universe/ aether. The circle that surrounds the pentagram (making it a pentacle) is the continuing link that binds all things.
Recycled brass chime pentagram with 3 bells and glass beads. Brass chain measuring approximately 11cm long, with main brass pentacle being 5cm in diameter. Total length including bells is approximately 23cm long.
Silver coloured long five bell and clear bead pentacle bells: Long silver one with colourful beads has five dinky tinklers and measures approximately 14” long with a pentacle dangly. The clear bead, silver coloured one features a pentacle measuring approximately 3” diameter with three tinkly bells and measures approximately 12” long.
Crescent Moon: The smaller of the varieties to choose from (and the cheapest!). The crescent moon can be waxing or waning and often dictates the type of Magick worked during these phases. Waxing is the slow and steady increase to the full moon, so is often used for intentions related to gaining something, whether it’s that fortune you are chasing, working towards healing, or gathering closer to friends and family. The waning portion is used to let go of things, whether it’s negative thoughts, unwanted energy, or to unbind things from your being and is worked up until the dark moon..just before the new moon phase arrives to start anew. This smaller chime bell features a recycled brass crescent moon on a chain and singular brass bell. Measures approximately
Sacred Spiral: The spiral has been utilised across time and cultures, but often wwith a similar meaning. Representing the continuation of cycles; birth, growth, life, death and re-birth. Spiritually the spiral represents a connectivity with the divine, spiraling from the outer ego (the outside world) into the inner soul (cosmic awareness and enlightenment) and represents the evolution and growth of the spirit. It is not only in the literal sense of the life/death cycle, but that of our own growth, the changes and transitions we go through, what we have let go of and the new patterns that emerge. Features a recycled brass chime spiral with 3 bells and glass beads. Measures approximately
Moon & Star: I don’t think there’s many of us that haven’t looked up to the moon and stars and wondered about the great awesomeness of the cosmos. Through time and history, humans have forged a link with these great aspects in the night sky, giving name and meaning to those that the eye can see. We look to the stars for guidance by way of astrology and the moon who gives us means and comfort when times are dark. Moon and stars feature across a great many cultures in their art work and practices, offering stability and a constant. Features a recycled brass moon and star on a chain, with three dinkly bells and glass beads.
Triple Moon: (Currently unavailable, but hopefully back soon 😊). This lovely piece is made from brass that has been plated in silver metal, giving it its moon like quality. teamed with three singly tinkly bells, with each chain possessing blue glass beads.
Please note that the colours of the glass beads may vary across each one 😊.