These amulets are based upon sigils, symbols and pagan ideology. Each one has a different meaning and accompanying description for you to choose which one suits your needs. These make a lovely gift and can easily be sent via the post to a loved one or friend. Buy one for yourself to bring whichever power you seek!
Druid’s Tree
This Druids Tree wiccan amulet features a circular, pewter tree and a crystal-accented pentacle charm strung on a sturdy, black cord. Attract luck and protection using the power of the sacred tree of the Druids.
Description on the card
”The sacred tree of the Druids, where rituals were once practiced to summon the spirits of the forest and elements of nature, water, fire, earth and air. The green stone used for protection and luck”
Pentacle of Life
This Pentacle of Life wiccan amulet features a pewter pentacle charm with crystal gems accenting each point strung on a sturdy, black cord. The clear crystal represents clarity, purple for healing, light blue for protection, green for courage and red for strength.
Description on the card
“This powerful amulet not only uses the pentacle for power, but also the strengths of the crystals surrounding it. Clear crystal for clarity, purple for healing, light blue for protection, green for courage and red for strength”
Mystic Pentacle
This Mystic Pentacle wiccan amulet features a pink-jewelled, pewter pentagram charm strung on a sturdy, black cord. A great every day amulet for meditation and protection.
Description on the card
A pentacle, a tool for magical workings, meditation and protection. The five pointed star represents unity, infinity and positive energy, with each point, starting at the top meaning love, wisdom, knowledge, law and power.”
Oracle of Visions
This Oracle of Visions Wiccan amulet features a pewter pentagram charm strung on a sturdy, black cord. It is said to give the wearer the gift of divination with the aid of red crystals for channeling energies.
Description on the card:
“The oracle talisman it is said, allows the wearer the gift of divination, the ability to forecast the future paths that our lives must take, the red crystals channeling and centering the energies for the visions to take place.”
Seeker of Wisdom
This Seeker of Wisdom wiccan amulet features an ornate, pewter pentagram charm strung on a sturdy, black cord. Perfect for those seeking perfection and balance.
Description on the card:
“This amulet is for those seeking protection, with the pentagram at its heart, it stands for the nine virtues; benevolence, knowledge, righteousness, virtuous action, purity, endurance, wisdom, moral conduct and ingenuousness.”
Familiar’s Moon
This Wiccan amulet features a central pentagram, surrounded by small detailing consisting of animal and mystic figures. Harness the power of a witch's familiar and attract companionship and trust.
Description on the card:
”The talisman gives the wearer the same benefits that a witch’s familiar would bring, which aids companionship, protection, help, trust and relationships.”
Astral Senses
This amulet features a solid pewter disc with pentagram and crystals arranged between each point. This one is a talisman for all round health.
Description on the card:
“The Astral Senses is a talisman for Health, with each crystal protecting and bringing harmony to the body as a whole. Crystal for mental relaxation, amethyst for the stomach, peridot for the heart, aquamarine for the throat and lungs, emerald for the liver, and garnet for the blood.”
Odin’s Knot
This ancient symbol is associated with the god Odin of Norse mythology. A more simplified version of the Volknut, the nine points of the triangle have been associated with the nine worlds of Norse mythology, and the three interconnected triangles have been said to reflect the connection between Earth, Heaven and Hell. The symbol has also been associated with ecstatic Seidr magic, of which Odin was a master.
When taken lits rally, the word Vegvisir dictates: “way” (vegr) “shower” (vísir), the symbol is meant to prevent the person carrying it from losing their way.
Volknut (or Valknut)
Again the representative symbol of Odin. The Valknut symbolizes the recognition of brave individuals in the prime of life who sacrificed themselves for the good of the clan. The intricate design of the Valknut – which is a complex shape that can be made from a single unicursal line – renders upon it an association with mental trickery. This trickery was given a very specific name by the Norse – Seidr. Seidr was a form of witchcraft or magic that the Norse both feared and held in high regard. It was described as a means of altering reality to an observer, akin to creating holograms and visions meant to mask reality from them. Importantly, the chief practitioner of Seidr was Odin.
Triple Moon
Adjustable waxed cord necklace and backing card. Each amulet/talisman comes on an adjustable cord, so is suitable for a range of neck sizes. Gender neutral. Comes on a card with description and plastic sleeve over.